Training Log First Name *Surname *Squad *MensLadiesDate *Activity *Choose ActivityOn water rowErgRunningStrength TrainingCyclingSwimmingOtherOtherHoursMinutes *SecondsDistance (m)Speed (km/hr)CalculatedAv. SPM(Erg sessions only)Workout Doneeg UT2 / HIIT / strength / otherSelect *Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)6) No Exertion - Little to no movement, very relaxed - 20% HR Max7) Extremely Light - Able to maintain pace - 30% HR Max8) 40% HR Max9) Very Light - Comfortable and breathing harder - 50% HR Max10) 55% HR Max11) Light - Minimal sweating, can talk easily - 60% HR Max12) 65% HR Max13) Somewhat Hard - Slight breathlessness, can talk - 70% HR Max14) Increased sweating, still able to hold conversation but with difficulty - 75% HR Max15) Hard - Sweating, able to push and still maintain proper form - 80% HR Max16 ) 85% HR Max17) Very Hard - Can keep a fast pace for a short period - 90% HR Max18) 95% HR Max19) Extremely Hard - Difficulty Breathing, near muscle exhaustion -100% HR Max20) Maximally Hard - STOP EXERCISING! - Total Exhaustion HR MaxHow Did it Feel? *012345Comments?Log Session 2025 Training Aspirations This is a live document and will be updated through the season.