Here we have all the latest news and information from what the club has been up to.
Follow the link for the full story.
Exmouth Gig Club at RNLI open day.
Exmouth Gig club recently attended the annual RNLI open day, raising funds, holding competitions and rescuing dummies!
Congratulations to our “Rowing Challenge” winners, Each will receive a £20 gift voucher. Well done!
Mens: Stephen Larkins, Redruth, 1.28.00 mins
Ladies: Kate Berridge, Kingsbridge, 1:48:06
U16: Kelsea Peterson, Barry, 1:53:07
Beach Pub Quiz night great success!
Following a kind offer from the Landlord, the Gig Club had a great evening testing the grey cells and raising funds to go toward new equipment, all held at “The Beach” pub, Exmouth.
Our First Regatta!
Exmouth Gig Club took part in their first Gig Racing Regatta at Sidmouth on Sunday 13th July after launching their club just 3 months earlier!