15 JUNE 2024


Exmouth Gig Club welcomes you to our third ever regatta. You are part of a very select few clubs that have been selected to take part. To those Jurassic League clubs that are joining we are grateful you have made the effort to travel down (in some cases over exceptional) distances to be part of the day. You will be joined by a handful of our nearest and dearest local rivals to keep the competition fresh and exciting.

Timetable of Events

0700hrsFirst Gigs arrive (see arrival slots below)
0730hrsRegistration Opens
0845hrsLast Gig to arrive
0900hrsCoxwains Meeting (on beach)
0945hrsLadies A
1030hrsMen’s A
1115hrsLadies B
1200hrsMen’s B
1245hrsJuniors (short course)
1330hrsLadies Vest
1415hrsMen’s Vets
1500hrsLadies Supervets
1545hrsMen’s Supervets

Times stated are race start NOT leaving from the beach

All times are approximate and subject to confirmation – we would appreciate your assistance in ensuring that changeovers are completed as quickly and safely as possible to maintain the planned schedule.

It can take up to 20 minutes to row from the changeover point on the beach to the start line. Hug the red marker buoys keeping them to your starboard / stroke side. Be aware this is a popular location for water users of all kinds and this is a busy channel.

Please give yourself plenty of time to row to the start and ensure that changeovers are as efficient as possible. Timings are tight and we may have to start a race without you if your crew is late to the start.

This is a sprint style race of approx. 1.5NM

  • The start line is situated between the safe water mark and the start boat.
  • The finish line is between the red marker buoy number 10 and the chequered flag outside NCI Exmouth.
  • When racing you must stay within the channel. Any boat rowing outside of the channel marker bouys will be DQd. Where possible stay on the starboard/stroke side of the channel as any oncoming traffic will be on the port/bow side of the channel as we race down.
  • Do not get too close to any channel marker buoys. They are large & metal!
  • Once you cross the finish line DO NOT STOP rowing
  • Crews may need to wait until all boats cross the line before following the shoreline in single file back to the changeover point.
  • Be mindful of swimmers when returning to the beach.

The course for the Junior Race will be shorter and will be started by one of the safety boats at around the buoy 3/4 mark – this will be set on the day based on conditions. Details will be included in the coxswain’s briefing.



These have been allocated semi-randomly to take into account:

  • Races entered
  • Reducing the number of times clubs are in the same berth

Berth one will be situated closest to the start boat and berth twelve by the safe water mark. There will be no lane marker buoys so please endeavour to spread equally across the start.

The above are placeholders – once boat names and races are confirmed by each club these will be amended.

Tides & Weather

For forecasted weather conditions please see our Sea State page.

Web Cams

We are really lucky that there are two webcams that cover the final stages of the course.

Exmouth Beach (300m from finish at Edge Water Sports)

National Coastwatch Institute (At the finish / Event HQ)

The camera at the finish does automatically pan and its not under our control so it wont always be point where we would like!


The intention is to update this spreadsheet on a race by race basis and the data will refresh every 15 minutes. – you will need to put your phone in landscape to view.


Food & Drinks

Please bring full water bottles. There is a refill point outside the Hangtime Café (approx. 5 minute walk).

Public Toilets are located directly behind the event village – next to the Old Lifeboat Station.

There are whole range of catering options along the seafront including Harbour View Café which will be open early for bacon rolls etc.

We will also be serving tea / coffee, sandwiches, salads and tasty treats on the beach. Please remember to bring your re-usable cups as we are committed to reducing single use waste.

Getting Here

TOWING VEHICLES – Unloading / Loading of boats will take place from Carlton Slip. Follow the route shown below to avoid unnecessary and difficult manoeuvring.

When approaching from the A376 (coming from Exeter / M5)

  • Left fork off Exeter Road on to Gipsy Lane.
  • Second exit from roundabout on to Withycombe Road.
  • First Exit from roundabout on to Marlpool Hill.
  • Right at traffic lights on to B3178 Salterton Road.
  • Straight over roundabout on to Carlton Hill.

Our volunteers will unload your boat and place it on the beach (please supply French men / fenders). Trailers will be stored for you. Your gig will then need to be rowed (by your crew) to the change over point.

If you are not towing please car pool or take the train. Exmouth gets very busy in the summer and parking can be tricky – especially along the seafront.

Quieter car parks can be found at Camperdown Terrace or Estuary Long Stay. Most parking can be paid using Ringo.

Useful Links