We want to keep everyone in the loop with Club and Committee activity. After each committee meeting, we plan to issue a summary of the matters discussed.
If as a member you want further details on any aspect please get in contact with one of the Committee.
The latest minutes will appear at the top of the page and get older as you work your way down.
2024/25 Season
13 November 2024
Venue : Jules’s House
In attendance: Jeff Nicholls (JN), Sue Golay (SG), Jules Hardwick (JH) & Jen Mills (JM)
Apologies : Gina Rodgers, Greg Price
Agenda Item | Comments |
Chair’s Welcome and update, Jeff | JN welcomed everyone . End of season party was discussed and agreed it was a success. Need to revisit the cox’s free drink coupon, and also number of awards prior to next years event. October minutes confirmed. JN informed everyone he has accepted Greg’s resignation from all duties. JN will arrange a meeting with Steve to discuss how/ if he wants to proceed as race captain. |
Treasurer’s report Jen | Both savings account and current account balances are healthy |
Health and Safety Report | Since Greg’s resignation, Jules has agreed to take on this post and will inform Ollie to change name on website. |
Race Report | At present waiting for final outcome of the recent regatta questionnaire. update from Megan with present replies. JN to meet with Steve |
Bosuns report | Committee approved the quote of £447 from Steelworks for the set of trolleys. GR to contact Steelworks to confirm. No news at present on Rodney Bey. |
Jurassic League Gina Rodgers | At present the club does not have a Jurassic league rep. GR attended Jurassic League meeting via Zoom to represent club. Aim to have six points scoring regattas next year as there were only 4 this year and two were cancelled due to weather conditions. New race categories were also discussed. GR to give race committee the provisional dates for JL 2025 regattas. |
Cub Rowing challenges | The club once again needs more coxes. Sue G to ask Matt to insert a recruitment drive in the next newsletter. |
Spond | Committee agreed to proceed with Spond for bookings and session planning. JH will notify Matt to inform members in the newsletter. |
Exmouth regatta | SG will look at potential dates for our regatta next year although we will probably scale down to a club fun day. |
Membership & training | No change on previously agreed membership fees for newcomers. JH to confirm with Steve the present race squad for training purposes and to include any new members who have stated interest. |
A.O.B | Liz has informed us of a potential building in Victoria Way which is up for rent. JM will get more details |
Date of next meeting; Monday 13th January 2026 at 7pm
Venue; tbc
16 October 2024
Venue : Jules’s House
In attendance:
Jeff Nicholls (JN)
Sue Golay (SG)
Gina Rodgers (GR)
Jen Mills (JM)
Greg Price (GP)
Apologies : Jules Hardwick (JH)
Agenda Item | Comments |
Chair’s Welcome, Jeff | JN welcomed everyone and committee approved previous minutes. |
Treasurer’s report, Jen | JM now has full access to banking! Balances on current and savings accounts both looking healthy. JM will look at funding towards repair of Rodney Bey from local councillor. |
Clubhouse update, Jeff | Nothing specific to report, ongoing process. |
Health and Safety Report, Greg | GP to include in the next newsletter a guideline around launch and recovery. No further issues at present around H&S |
Bosun’s report | Ben is kindly taking Rodney Bey down to Brian Nobbs in Cornwall on Tuesday for repair. Shelly’s trailer is being serviced on October 30th. GR to chase up Steel works re new trolley quote. Existing seat cushions to be looked at and checked to see if we need new ones or if any need drying out. |
Jurassic league, CPGA rep | Charlie to be asked if he would take on Jurassic league rep role, GP to take on CPGA rep role with GR to assist if needed |
General | JN to speak to Matt about putting a newsletter out in November. Ollie has flagged a logo infringement. JN has spoken to Matt about original design and will discuss with club concerned. End of Season Party discussed with 7pm start and clarity around speeches and awards. Raffle prizes to be donated. |
new rowers | We have had a couple of enquiries to join from experienced rowers from another club. At present it was felt we can accommodate them but this will always be conditional on cox/rower ratio and club circumstance. |
A.O.B | SG queried about bringing A.G.M forward as this was a previous committee thought. Nothing finalised and for further discussion. |
Date of next meeting ; 13th November 2024
Venue; TBC
11 September 2024
Venue : Jen Mills’ House
Attending: Jeff Nicholls (JN), Sue Golay (SG), Gina Rodgers (GR), Jules Hardwick (JH), Greg Price(GP) & Jen Mills (JM). Steve Williams phone in
Chair’s Welcome
JN welcomed everyone and welcomed Greg as H&S rep back to the committee. June and July’s minutes confirmed
Treasurer’s report
JM is now named on club accounts, however there are still ongoing issues to be resolved with her being able to access the account. New oars have now been paid, so we have 5 sets in total. Both accounts have a healthy balance and are stable. Research to be made into other banks savings rates to make sure we are getting value for money from our present accounts. Discussion to be had to clearly define what we are offering in our membership fees.
Clubhouse update
The pre application has been submitted and a report from that has focussed on a number of things that have been highlighted. JN to meet advisor on the lease and to gather a list of professional advisors. Focus on section 106 agreement which has to be resolved and to commission quotes on topographical survey, contaminated land, ecological reports and flood risk before final submission. Committee aware of due diligence to be spent on the best deal for the club
Health and Safety Report
Greg Price
GP to look at club’s risk assessment and check everything is up to date. GP to focus on items for next meeting
Race Captain’s Report
Steve William’s
It has been encouraging to see the enthusiasm of new members but there has been a general lack of attendance at regattas this season which has been unfortunate. Discussion to be had at what events we sign up for in the future and ask members what events they would like to attend next year. Poll/questionnaire to be circulated. Decided no organised training sessions in October with focus on Club rows and to have a pause in training to review and recharge. Extra sessions can still go ahead if individuals want to organise.GR to put announcement out about end of Wednesday rowing due to light levels.
New Rowers Report
Jules Hardwick
New rowers intro sessions went very well and we have had positive responses. JH to catch up with those that haven’t taken it further. Discussed additional support for newer rowers after the 3 induction rows. Intro rows to be discussed with coxes to further progress and bed in with existing club rowers.20 people on waiting list so discussion about further new rowers intro session possibly in March / April and July / August
Bosuns report
Greg Price
Rota for cleaning boats on a regular basis to be drawn up. Hose to be purchased for club. Cover to be considered for Avocet. Pete to check over and repair/maintain M2 oars after Newquay. GP to check gearing on oars and pins. Pete to adjust / renew.GR to re establish quote etc for new trollies with Exmouth Steelworks. Shelly’s trailer to be serviced on 30th October. Look at getting it serviced annually. Cushions to be checked and any wet ones aired and dried . look at commissioning a new set if necessary. Rodney Bey seen by Brian Nobbs who has submitted a quote for repair work. He is prepared to work on her in October/November and she would be back with us by Christmas if we go ahead. Discussed repair work and decided that Club would self fund repair work on Rodney Bey rather than go through insurance. It was generally felt that the club needs 3 boats. Brian Nobbs to be contacted by GP. Club to look at fundraising options for repair. JM to contact locality budget councillor to enquire about available funds.
End of season Party
Sue Golay
JH to speak to Mark about end of season party and availability at the Police Club on Saturday 26th October. Trophies to be returned to Jules.
Jurassic League rep,
Gina Rodgers
At present the club does not have a Jurassic league rep, Steve Williams to be asked if he would take on this role and attend meetings.
GP raised thoughts about club events / ideas for on water. Liaising with Sidmouth for Barbarian event, row to Topsham etc. Still appear to have gaps in roles that need looking at. Tamar Challenge discussed. Feedback requested from a member re the recent CPGA EGM. We are awaiting minutes from said meeting.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 9th October 7pm
Venue: Jules’ house ( tbc)
17July 2024
Venue: Jules’s House.
Attending: Jeff Nicholls, Sue Golay, Gina Rodgers, Jules Hardwick, Charity Lake, Jen Mills.
JN welcomed everyone, previous minutes scrutinised
Treasurer’s report
Problems with TSB are now finally being resolved and hopefully JM will have access to the account in the near future. Some monies from operating account to be moved to savings account. JM to research other banks for better interest on savings. Club Bank balances are both healthy.
Clubhouse update
JN has received the report from the council for the pre-application of the proposed clubhouse. The council is supportive of our application but there are several obstacles to overcome.1) A planning section106 agreement with the present Sea Scouts application has to be remedied.2) A flood risk assessment needs to be actioned.3) an environmental report also has to be commissioned as the proposal is on contaminated land.4) Services are being developed at the Sea Scouts building and our prospective application will have an impact on this. The club will have to start thinking about fundraising to help pay for reports etc. JN to continue to progress on actioning reports.
Gregs Role
The committee has received an email from Greg who has requested to be more active with various aspects of the club. A number of areas where he could be of useful assistance and support were suggested by Greg and it was felt that this would be greatly appreciated by the committee and club. Jn to speak with Greg to clarify a few points on the list.
Race Captains report
Steve Williams kindly phoned in to update the committee on how his role as race captain is progressing and any subsequent issues.
He felt that he has received great support from his ladies and mens captains, crew selectors and logistics helper. It has been quite a busy time with various regattas and a number of emails to reply to! Has found it frustrating not to set training/ track fitness of racing members as yet but is working on it. Newquay selection has now been done and numbers for Sidmouth and Weymouth regattas look good.
Coxes and Towers are always an issue and in future if no towers come forward initially when members put their names down for regattas then the club will not attend. After an issue at Bridport regatta Steve will give all prospective regatta members a club regatta etiquette brief before any event.
The committee thanked Steve for all his input.
Members Fitness to row
If anyone with a medical condition that confirms they are fit to row does not necessarily mean they are fit to race. The advice would be given by the club to the rower that they should refrain from training races and racing.Going forward the club will provide an individual risk assessment to the rower involved. Charity to action any risk assessment if needed.
Health and Safety update
Ollie has sent an email and pointed out that an annual risk assessment of the club needs to be reviewed. Charity to check and amend if necessary. He also raised several other H&S points, some of which have been actioned already, others are being looked at. JM has replied to Ollie.
Club first aiders are to be checked if they are still willing to continue SG to action
1 new lifejacket to be purchased as the 2 red ones have been decommissioned as unsafe. CL to action
New first aid kits to be bought as all are out of date. CL to action
All policies and documents to be checked over by next meeting. Committee members to action
New rowers/ intro sessions
There are at present 15 new rowers available for the into session on August 17th . 2 of which have rowed previously . JH to liaise with Greg for on beach assistance.
Rodney Bey
Rodney is out of action at the moment due to damage sustained to the keel. The club has asked the cpga for Brian Nobbs’s (retired boatbuilder) details to see if he can do a survey and see if Rodney is repairable, future seaworthiness, cost effectiveness and whether we can claim on our insurance. GR to liaise with Greg to speak to Brian Nobbs
It has come to JNs attention when looking at the clubs insurance that our insurance does not cover us when the boat is stored elsewhere e.g overnight at events without a lock.
GR to purchase a towing hitch lock
Due to recent problems with the booking system the committee are looking at spond to be a club alternative. JH to investigate its potential further with SG
- A.O.B
- Ladies oars are being finished by Andrew Nancarrow.
- Great River Race has been cancelled as no tower. Other social events to be looked at.
Date of next meeting Wednesday 14 August at 7pm. Venue; Jen Mills house.
19 June 2024
Venue: Police Club, Rolle Sreet
Present: Jules Hardwick, Charity, Jen Mills, Gina Rodgers, Sue Golay. Jeff Nicholls(phone in)
Jeff welcomed everyone, last minutes scrutinised and paragraph needs to be actioned before release to members
10th Anniversary
Committee felt it was well attended, great location, wonderful cake and a successful event despite the cancellation of the afternoon activities. Thanks to all who helped organise and to Ben Atkinson for his 10 year memories and how the club started and to Jeff Nicholls for his video message. If anyone has any photos available the committee would love to have any for the archive.
Inbox emails
There were several inbox emails that needed to be addressed and discussed.
- fitness to row by member, confirmation of fitness to row has been received by JN and advice given.
- Return of a previous rower as a social member and discussion of fitness to train as a cox.
Exe River regatta
Richard Robinson from Exe River rowers has sent an invite of a combined row to Shaldon on the weekend July 6th/7th.Jules to enquire for more information re distance and context before we put it to members. It also coincides with the club’s attendance at Vets Championships.
New Rowers
We have received a number of enquiries from new rowers. General opinion is that we do now have cox capacity as we have a couple of new coxes and have lost a few members. Sue will ask for willing coxes to run intro sessions and look at potential dates to run a new rower session.
Charity is going to audit any kit the club has and make an inventory. Life jackets to be checked and take lead on update of website. She will also enquire about prospective first aiders and man overboard cox training.
10 year t shirts
Ollie with Proserve have designed a 10 year t shirt. Final approval to be confirmed before release. Jeff to liaise with Matt about other fundraising merchandise for the club
- John has kindly delivered the new mens racing oars from Suttons. Ladies set from Nancarrow will be ready in July.
- Need for communication to towers to release straps on boat on return from events.
- Ask captains to write a resume of each event for Matt to create a press release.
- Jen still not registered with bank, Jeff to investigate issues.
- Cpga newsletter to be sent to all members.
- Date of next meeting 17th July at Jules house at 7pm.
21 May 2024
Location The Police Club, Rolle street, Exmouth
Attendees Sue Golay, Jeff Nicholls, Gina Rodgers, Charity Phillips, Jules Hardwick (by phone). Apologies; Jen Mills
JN welcomes everyone
Last meeting minutes approved
June 15th Clubs 10th year celebrations
Still limited numbers on message board thread but organisation of a fun filled celebration afternoon are ongoing. Hoping to start at 3pm with club photos and invite to Exmouth Journal. Interclub racing using Avocet and Rodney Bey, leaving Shelly Maid on beach as a focal point. Discussion around food and cake! Jules to enquire about using Harbour View café and costs. JN to invite Jurassic League Clubs to send a video Birthday Message so we can put them together as a memento of our anniversary.
Cox Training
Gina and Charlie nearly there and almost signed off as coxes. Aim is to keep the ball rolling with more potential coxes from group, training up. Encourage accreditation with CPGA.
Health Implications of rower
Concerns have been brought to the Committee’s attention from the coxswain sub committee relating to medical condition of a Club Member.Following Committee discussion,it was decided in the best interest of safety, the Member would be asked to provide a medical update from their GP and their Consultant Specialist with confirmation that they are medically fit to row.While we await this confirmation the Member would refrain from rowing until the medical evidence is obtained for review. JN to contact the Member and follow up with the Member on receipt of GP update. Further to this,JN will check with current insurers in relation to our obligations relating to known medical conditions.
Feedback Forms
It was decided to maintain the anonymity on the feedback forms on the website.
JH to take on membership secretary and remove members who have not rejoined and introduce intro rows for a growing list of enquirers.
At present there are 54 members with 39 race members, 10 club members ,5 social members and 10 not rejoined.
Club rowing will continue as normal with regatta rowers supported by crew coordinators.
Committee Vacancies
A Vacancy for a Health and Safety officer has arisen. Charity is stepping down from her H&S role but will continue to remain on the committee. This position needs to be filled asap as it is a mandatory role so invitations welcome.
Social Media
Matt Netherway has agreed to take on the Clubs social media profile. JN will meet and discuss role.
Social organiser to be appointed.
It has been raised by MR that there is only a small group who tow, therefore would the committee consider hiring a vehicle with tow bar to enlarge the number of towers available. Discussed by committee and it was felt that cost of this would not be of benefit necessarily .GR to speak with Towers and gauge their availability and feelings re towing.
Oar update
The new set of mens oars (Suttons) are nearing completion (just need painting) and should be ready in the next fortnight. The new Ladies set (Nancarrow) are due for completion by mid July.
John Whitelock to be thanked for bringing back Shelly from Penzance. Debrief from Scillies to identify any issues and learn from them for next year. Date of next meeting; Wednesday 19th June provisionally at Police Club
25 April 2024
Location: The Police Club, Rolle Street, Exmouth
Attendees: Sue Golay, Jeff Nicholls, Jules Hardwick, Jen Mills, Charity Phillips, Gina Rogers(by phone) Mark Stephens
JN welcomes everyone
Last meeting’s minutes approved
Exmouth Regatta
Regatta currently timetabled for 15th June. To date, only 6 men have come forward to offer help. We discussed the need for a balanced number of men and women because the men are needed to support whilst the women race and vice versa – umpires, first aiders, safety boat, finishers etc.
No first aider as yet available. St Johns ambulance would charge iro £275 for the day.
Alternative dates were earmarked by the previous committee, to be investigated as options.
JN pointed out that 15 June is only 6 weeks away, and with Scillies before that, and gaps in support currently available, it may be too tight to make a good job of it. It was agreed to find out about, and consider the alternative dates which had been earmarked.
Could 15th June still be used as a date for a club event if regatta is moved?
Priorities for the coming year
- Cox Training
- Booking system (Spond)
- Clubhouse
- Financial Planning for above
- Roles and Responsibilities*
ACTION JH to begin composing organagram of roles, each of us then to add a few lines describing our own role. (could be loosely based on previous Suggested Club Structure Document)
*The following roles have been agreed since last meeting
Steve WIlliams – Race Captain
Kat Underwood – Ladies Captain
Charlie Stephens – Mens Captain
Fundraising / Funding
Funding Strategy required in advance of Clubhouse project.
JN suggested three tiers, each to have a lead.
Tier 1: large capital grants
Tier 2: online/offline campaigns, affiliation schemes
Tier 3: fundraising events, self funding.
Racing and Rowing
Quite a few members still have to pay for their £25 Scillies subs. (They can’t race without having renewed their membership, and paid these subs).
Post Scillies – Race Captain will be looking to Swanage regatta etc, however, we have a 2 week interlude, would be really good to focus on club rows in that time.
Re-iterated the need to re-visit Cox training
GR raised the CPGA new format races, Mounts Bay, Paignton. etc – It was agreed that therein’t room in our calendar to fit these in this year however we could consider planning them in as part of next year’s race programme.
ACTION: JM to audit and chase Scillies subs, and general membership payments.
GR- Trollies sorted, Shelly Maid’s keel has also had some work prior to Scillies
Another VHF radio required
Options on gate / building keys discussed: Most coxes have gate keys, so the current arrangement is probably satisfactory with these. A keysafe was discussed for our single building key though, so that all rowers and coxes can have access to the building if required, eg for those who travel long distances, or are at beach for long periods coxing and rowing etc. Keysafe can be left in a box with the radios
CP to visit Chandlery on Saturday to pick up VHF radio.
JH to pick up keysafe.
An anonymous email has been received regarding our regatta, whereby a club member has badly misconstrued a comment made by a current committee member. The comment was regarding the work already done on the regatta, primarily by Greg and Ollie.
The email had an unpleasant tone, and has caused some upset. It has been agreed that we will look to remove the capability to submit an anonymous message. If club members are unhappy about our communications, they should be approaching committee members to discuss their concerns.
ACTION: JN to request with OK to remove this function on messaging service of website.
3 April 2024
Location: The Police Club, Rolle Street, Exmouth
Attendees: Sue Golay, Jeff Nicholls, Jules Hardwick, Jen Mills, Charity Phillips, Gina Rogers
Welcome: SG
New Roles
All unanimously agreed, as follows:
- Chair: Jeff NIcholls
- Vice Chair: Sue Golay
- Secretary: Gina Rodgers
- Club Captain: Jules Hardwick
- Health and Safety: Charity Phillips
- Treasurer: Jen Mills
JN and GR both need access to GMail account.
We also need to clarify Ollie’s ongoing levels and areas of involvement.
Discussed roles of Men’s’ and Ladies’ Captains. Steve happy to stay on and Charlie has also put his name forward. Kat’s name was proposed as Ladies’ Captain,
JN to draft copy for web news / 1st newsletter, announcing new committee.
JN to contact Ollie re above
JH to contact Steve and Charlie for further discussions, and to provide Kat with some further info.
Selection Committee was also discussed, this is to be confirmed by the committee in the coming weeks, and selection criteria are to be revisited.
GR says Meg may well be happy to offer help in terms of a logistics role for events.
This Weekend: Club Rowing on Saturday is likely to be cancelled, GR suggests a cleaning session for Rodney Bey in advance of transportation for Scillies.
GR to post on Whatsapp about this.
Exmouth Regatta: Committee agreed that this should still go ahead. However, SG told us that Exmouth Park Run are running an event that will coincide.
SG is meeting with EDDC and Park Run representative on Friday and will feedback to committee afterwards.
Lyme Masters: It was agreed that EGC should proceed with entering.
JH will confirm with Lyme.
Exeter Heritage Day: It was agreed that although a great opportunity to present the club to a wider audience, it wasn’t a priority for the committee right now. However, it could be put to the membership to see if anyone wants to take it on.
JM to put a message board post up
Coxes Training: An offer of Coxes training externally at £80pp – Julia has put her name down to attend. It was agreed that the club would be willing to fund up to 3 places in this tranche of training sessions.
SG will communicate this to the trainee coxes whatsapp
Great River Race – Registration is now open for this, and it was the most popular of all the out of area on water ‘social’ events.
JM to update message board thread.
Gifts for previous committee members: Greg, Nic, & Ollie. It was agreed that the committee would like to thank the outgoing committee members for their work.
JM to arrange gifts, eg vouchers, to the value of £20pp.
Trollies: Gina has been speaking to the company at Dinan Way about fabrication, but Ian Scott has also suggested a contact of his who makes marine trollies. Agreed to use Ian’s contact.
JN to speak to Ian about engaging his contact.
GR to buy wheels for existing trolley.
Date of next meeting: Thurs 25th April
2023/24 Season
29 February 2024
Location: The Police Club, Rolle Street, Exmouth
Attendees: Sue Goley, Ollie Knights, Jeff Nicholls, Nicola Price, Jules Hardwick, Jen Mills, Charity Phillips, Gina Rogers (remote)
Apologies: Lisa Asquith,
Welcome: SG
Minutes from previous meeting agreed. Outstanding actions were included in today’s agenda.
Financial report: JN
We have continued to be able to ring fenced the savings account at £10K despite a number of recent sizable outlays including deposit for oars, Rodney’s trailer improvements and insurance.
There is £1170.00 in the operational account. With membership fees due in the next few months, this is expected to increase.
As a committee we need to improve our approach to debt recovery. Currently relying too much on trust in regards to membership fees and ad hoc expenses (regattas/off water training) being paid.
ACTION: New committee to discuss approach and designate a committee member to the role of debt recovery.
The sponsorship funding source for the oars require an update as to the progress of the order. Despite the intention to use the funding source for the first set of oars being produced by Sutton Oars, it was suggested that we redirect the funding to the second order placed with Andrew Nancarrow, due end of the summer. This decision was made due to concerns over Sutton Oars detailed below.
EPGC membership fees have not been increased for over two years. Following the research and presentation giving by JN at the last meeting, there further discussion around the fairness and benefits of a two tier membership model, to better represent the different usage of current members. The model consists of an option of joining as either a Racing or Club member, a model used by other clubs in the area. A difference of £30 between both fees. This would replace our current model where racers pay for individual attendance to regattas, reducing admin burden and risk.
One-off social regattas or championships (eg. GRR, Scillies) may still incur a surcharge to members.
DirectDebit was suggested to the support the current payment structure in place for instalments.
Committee voted the following:
- £150 Racing membership fee: Unanimous vote in favour
- £120 Social membership fee: Unanimous vote in favour
- Removal of student membership: Unanimous vote in favour
- Coxes and social only, frozen at £10: Unanimous vote in favour
Due to lack of demand and the club’s current infrastructure/amenities It was also agreed that the club should suspend any efforts to develop a junior section.
ACTION: JN to give a presentation on the new payment structure to the members at the AGM.
GR has received a quote from a local metalworks company for a new set of launch trollies – £500 for a pair, excluding wheels.
ACTION: GR to source a quote for the wheels before decision made.
Sutton Oars, the supplier commissioned by the club last year to produce a set of ladies’ oars may be in trouble. £1000 deposit for the oars was provided by the club to the supplier in September last year with the understanding the oars would be completed by the end of 2023. The supplier reported difficulties with sourcing materials and gave a new date of completion of end Feb 2024. This has now passed. JN has picked up communications with the supplier to try and establish the issue with the hope, in the first instance, of being able to work together to find a resolution.
ACTION: JN to maintain open lines of communication with supplier and monitor.
Race/Training: NP
General update:
Sunday night Ergo sessions at the Exmouth Rowing Club have been going well, with a good take up amongst the Scillies open crews. Available spaces being offered to the other crews, although not being taken up. Sunday training rows not being filled, availability largely not being updated on SPOND.
4 x crews will be attending the Three Rivers race on Sunday 3 March.
Dart Regatta, 30 March. Following a change of committee members at Dart, Exmouth had not been secured an invitation and instead placed on a waiting list. Will be informed by the end of the month (today) if a space becomes available but not looking likely. NP is looking to organise an intra club race instead, covering the Exmouth Regatta course. Tide conditions are not ideal but achievable.
ACTION: NP to put up message board to gauge interest, with possibility of opening it up to Sidmouth
Jurassic League meeting – SG attending a meeting with Jurassic league clubs:
Some clubs raised concerns about return of gigs from the Scillies in time for the Weymouth Regatta.
Also discussed the possibility of including a Masters race as point scorer
Weymouth – Coxes umpire meeting – 10 April.
Action: SG to put out an invite to attend coxes and umpire meeting to club members.
Wave of Events meeting – GR attended on behalf of the club. Notes available on request.
Club Structure and ways of working
Following a sub meeting attending by JN, CP and JH, an initial draft outlining the club structure and the different roles required and undertaken in order to ensure smooth running of the club. The objective was to try to highlight, understand and breakdown the different areas of support required. The committee discussed and agreed it was a good idea and starting point. It was acknowledged that the ability to fulfil all roles depended on the number of volunteers, willingness and capacity of those members that stepped forward.
ACTION: JM to email all members to highlight the need for support and opportunities for committee/non-committee roles.
SPOND – OK produced an extensive report following his investigations into whether SPOND may provide a more efficient management tool in regards to booking rows, comms etc. Moving away from the website. Initial findings suggest it could be a positive move but not without risk.
ACTION: Deferred to the new committee who should refer to OK’s report on file.
SG enquired the intentions of the existing committee members for next year. NP, OK and LA all confirmed they would be standing down. All remaining committee members (total 6) would look to re-stand. OK confirmed he would still support the website, to ensure it continued to function, but not as a committee member. JM, on behalf of the committee and the wider club, acknowledged and thanked NP, OK and GP in his absence for their outstanding contribution, dedication shown to the club during their times on the committee. It was acknowledged that they had shouldered a huge load over the years and their knowledge and expertise would be sorely missed.
Heritage Harbour Event, Exeter – 08/09 June
ACTION: SG to speak to the Social Sub committee to see if they would like to lead
10 year anniversary celebrations. The club hits its 10 year anniversary at the end of March. It was suggested we should combine a celebration of this milestone with the Regatta in June.
ACTION: Defer to the new committee to stand up a Regatta sub-committee to lead the events.
Clubhouse update – Following consultations, the proposal of a Clubhouse has received internal approval from EDDC Wards. The club has been advised to now submit a preliminary planning application. JN has spoken to an architect to begin planning drawings. The work would be carried out partially pro-bono, with his fees being incorporated into the building fees once approved and work commenced.
10 January 2024
Location: The Police Club, Rolle Street, Exmouth
Attendees: Greg Price, Sue Golay, Jeff Nicholls, Jules Hardwick (remote), Nicola Price, Jen Mills, Charity Phillips, Gina Rogers, Lisa Asquith
Apologies: Ollie Knights
Welcome – GP
- Agreed minutes from previous meeting.
- Thanks go to Viv & the Mariners for successful Christmas get together.
Financial and Clubhouse update – JN
Operating Account current balance £2,900.00
Savings account current balance £7,050.01
JN submitted a bid and successfully won £3K for the club from the Greene King Fund; monies to be used for new set of ladies’ oars and new launch trollies.
Premises: the plan for Camperdown car park space is currently in for consultation, indications so far are positive. JN has also secured (pro bono) architect.
- JM contacted Jonathan at Steelworks at Dinan way, who made the previous set of trolleys. No drawings/ dims etc, so GR kindly agreed to take an existing trolley to their workshop to quote against.
- Sutton Oars order update – price was increased by Sutton Oars, and material was changed, and lead time extended. Greg in negotiations to retain original material choice, oars now due Feb.
- Agreed GP to book a slot with Nancarrow Oars for another set, delivery due end summer.
- GR will bring a sand rake that she has at home.
- Boat update – Rodney needs to be sicoflexed, just waiting for better weather, currently too cold and wet.
- Avocet needs a clean.
- SG requested: re-instate the equipment sign out sheet, stop-watches/stroke counters.
- CL requested bailers, GP suggested someone to bring 4pt milk bottles to cut down.
- GP to buy new radio
- JN to provide some suggested new membership models, for discussion next meeting.
- JM to look into potential funding for a mobile defib.
NP – Members to view Message Board for info on upcoming events.
- 3 Rivers Race – discussion around selection for this event – do we reserve for Scillies crews’ training?
A broader discussion was had at this stage about workload for some key committee members, and delegation of their workload was encouraged.
- Exe Rowing Club Ergo opportunity – CL to go ahead and organise.
- Level 2 Fixed Seat Coaching opportunity has come up @£495pp. It was agreed that funding club coxes on this course would be a valuable use of club funds, NP to liaise with course providers at Langstone, and potential attendees.
- JH to liaise with Carrie re 10 yr anniversary event.
- Committee member role
- Training rows/Club row- cancellation: It was agreed that the duty committee should have some discretion in whether training rows could still go out if club rows were being cancelled, crew and conditions pending.
- It was agreed to try running training and club rows concurrently throughout a morning session, to aid the spread of coxes where crews and coxes overlap, and also aid mixing between club and competitive rowers.
- GP has submitted our application for EGC Regatta.
- GR is going to look into Youth Rowing Section.
- SG is going to speak to U3A regarding request for presentation.
Date of Next Meeting 7th Feb ‘24
Consideration for date of AGM before 31 March
For next meeting: Web site manager committee role, Session booking system.
01st November 2023
Location: The Police Club, Rolle Street, Exmouth
Attendees: Greg Price, Sue Golay, Jules Hardwick, Charity Phillips, Jen Mills
Apologies: Nicola Price, Ollie Knights, Lisa Asquith, Gina Rogers, Jeff Nichols
Welcome – GP
Minutes confirmed from last months’ meeting, no amendments noted.
Financial and Clubhouse update – JN (via GP)
- Financial balances £5700 in the current account £7000 in savings.
- The closing date for grant applications for The Greene King fund closing date is 23/12/2023. Our application has been submitted for £2000, but do not expect to hear outcome until the new year.
Jeff also researching the viability of SWW neighbourhood fund.
- Work ongoing on producing working budgets for the club to best understand our spending and inform how we apportion future expenditure.
- The Raffle from the end of season do made a profit of £200. Big thank you to club and committee members who donated prizes and sold tickets.
- Jerry from EDDC emailed Jeff unprompted with an update on our application to use part of Camperdown Car Park. They are waiting for report from the Environment Agency in relation to access to the sea wall. Not clear if that is the only obstacle, but reassuring that the application is being processed.
ACTION: Jules and Jeff spoke regarding alternative options and will draw together a table of possible locations (if any) or partnerships with existing local clubs.
- The previously identified supplier to replace the trollies is no longer available. Whilst not currently essential, it was agreed it would be good to identify a supplier for the future.
ACTION: Jen to contact the company based in Liverton Trading Estate, who we have previously used.
Greg will speak to Bosun team.
- Pete working through the club’s oars, general repair and maintenance. He is currently on the large orange ones, once complete will return and take another set.
- The committee will revisit the possibility of getting a new set of oars to replace the old ones in the new year, particularly if the club is able to develop its junior membership.
- Rodney Bey was cleaned on Sat 28 Oct, thank you to all members that supported. Bosun confident that simple repairs can be made to make her water tight and now her trailer has been fixed, the intention is to use her more. It was noted that she had very little resale value.
- Existing coxes met on 28 October to check in, discuss their current arrangements and what they were happy to do. The club currently has thirteen members that can cox, eight coxes were identified as regularly available.
- The presentation for those interested in becoming coxes went well on 28 October and discussion was had on how best to approach on water training in order to maintain that interest. The limiting factors that make it a challenge was raised – eg. senior cox availability, weather/sea conditions. It was acknowledged that, where possible, a trainee cox should go out in a club row. There are a handful of trainee coxes that already have varying degrees of experience so it may be some will be quicker to train than others. It was agreed, as always that increasing coxes should be a club priority to relieve the pressure from existing coxes and enable club growth.
Aim/Priority meeting – 16 Nov.
- Nic is working on agenda ahead of the members’ meeting in November and will share with committee members once complete.
- There were a couple of questions received in the feedback box at the end of season do regarding the training pools and stand-by rowers. These will be added and reviewed along with the feedback received on the night of the meeting.
- It was discussed that a few members were unclear about the existing Pool system, raised through feedback received via Gina, Jules and Charity. It was discussed that there may be a different way to approach the training that acknowledges the difference between general training and crew training for events following selection.
- The aim is to identify from the members at the meeting, the Club’s priorities and balance between inclusivity and competition.
- It was acknowledged the club had seen significant growth in its racing capability which has been a positive outcome since the appointment of a Race Captain. We now need to clarify and understand the members’ preference on aims and goals in order to structure the club’s approach to time on the water accordingly.
Club Membership
- Following the recent addition of two to the cox numbers, Greg proposed opening the membership to experienced rowers during Nov & Dec, close again in Jan and open again in April. This would mean no need for intro rows and simplify the membership costs, with new members joining at the start of a new membership fee year.
- The question was raised as to whether we need to open the doors to new members? That although we technically had enough coxes to support new members, it immediately put the pressure back on them by increasing numbers.
- Existing enquiries had been made by two former members and an experienced rower from another club to try our Exmouth looking to get back into rowing after a break.
- Current membership stands at 62. It was agreed, with current cox numbers, this should be capped at 70. Whilst there will be no active recruitment or advertising, any requests made by previous members or experienced rowers, would be considered on a case by case basis at the committee’s discretion.
- The idea of having structured intakes twice a year (spring/summer) was floated and will be considered closer to the time.
ACTION: GP to contact the two former members.
Xmas do
- Stuart line Cruise had been researched as an option but decided due to numbers, time and cost it would not work for Christmas. Other options were floated including a private party in The Mariners.
ACTION: Jen to contact The Point / Viv. Jules to speak to The Heavitree Pub and explore other options to present at the meeting on 16 Nov.
- The Club’s 10 year Anniversary celebration next year was discussed, with the idea of opening it up to all previous members and stakeholders in the Club.
ACTION: Jules to contact Stuart Line Cruises for availability/options.
- Jurassic League – Greg attended a meeting few weeks ago with the other clubs. It was agreed that point scoring Regattas would be reduced from five to four and centrally located along the coast for the greatest convenience to all clubs. These regattas would be – Bridport, Weymouth, Swanage and Sidmouth.
- Committee member role – It was raised that Ollie did a huge amount of work maintaining and running the Club’s website and the risk having one person with the knowledge and responsibility. Options for support were explored and it was agreed that it didn’t necessarily need to be a committee member.
ACTION: Add to next committee agenda, with Ollie in attendance to greater understand the task and approach accordingly.
Next committee meeting date:
Wed 10 Jan 2024 – 1930hrs The Police Club
05th October 2023
Location: The Beach Hotel
Attendees: Greg Price, Nicola Price, Ollie Knights, Sue Golay, Jules Hardwick, Lisa Asquith, Charity Phillips, Gina Rogers
Apologies: Jen Mills, Jeff Nicholls
Welcome – GP
Chair welcome and thanks to new committee members. Acknowledgement that their experience and expertise will be a positive addition to the committee and the club. It was agreed that initially no specific role would be assigned, they would remain more general and wait to identify any gaps or areas where they could support.
Treasurer updated via Chair – circa £5.9K in current and £7K in savings accounts.
A bid for £3K has been made to Greene King Brewery towards cost of new oars and trollies. Result pending.
Discussion around the possibility of future club sponsorship. It was noted that CPGA prevent any branding on equipment (boats/oars) but permitted on kit and trailers and social media. It was agreed that this should be explored before next season and many local businesses identified to approach.
ACTION: Between now and next season, Ollie to produce a Sponsorship Deck. Charity volunteered to contact business with the offers.
Club House
No update as yet from EDDC in regards to our Camperdown Carpark proposal. Acknowledgement that this is a longer-term solution. It was discussed whether it was worth re-approaching existing clubs and explore other potential options in the target area around Shelley Beach, to share facilities in the short term. Suggestions made: Sailing Club, Rowing club, Harbour Master building, Sea Scouts, Rugby Club. It was noted that the Club House is key to the future development of the club.
ACTION: Jules to speak to Jeff to offer support and look to form a ‘Focus Group’ to explore all possible Clubhouse options.
New oars have been commissioned by Sutton Oars, construction underway.
Oar adjustments – first set returned and deemed successful; second set experienced a breakage during Paignton Masters. They have since been repaired and will be ready w/c 09 October. Gina offered to collect.
Chair suggested that we may need a fifth set of working oars to cover maintenance/race/club rows. To be considered and reviewed ahead of next season.
Shelley Maid’s rudder was damaged during the SV Champs competition in Swanage. Pete took to repair and should return weekend 07/08 Oct.
Suggestion was made to commission Gary Cook, a local artist and former member of the club, to produce some artwork for oars and or other kit.
Rodney Bey – The specialist is returning on Wed 11 Oct to complete the necessary work to repair Rodney’s trailer. Rodney will be moved from moorings back to trailer weekend 14/15 Oct for cleaning.
ACTION: Purchase a thank you gift for owner of the moorings Rodney has been temporarily occupying.
The need for new coxes in order to protect and support existing coxes and support the club’s development was acknowledged.
In depth conversation how that training should be delivered. Max had offered, via Greg, to deliver a presentation and there is an existing power point for dryland training that could potentially be given by one of our senior cox – Kare, George, Greg, Ben.
ACTION: GP to speak to Max to confirm whether he is happy to deliver training. Message board to all members inviting interest in coxing.
Further conversation was had around existing coxes, clarity of their role, influence and impact on the club. It was acknowledged that different coxes had different approaches and expectations that may not work with all individuals or the club as a whole. Acknowledgement that all coxes were there on a voluntary basis.
Feedback on coxes should be encouraged by members; committee to maintain awareness and monitor both the impact of coxes on the club as well as the demands of the club on the coxes. Club Captain to continue to work closely with all coxes.
End of season do and awards were discussed. Agreed it should be a ‘Black Tie’ dress code and a Pot Luck dinner. Committee’s choice award discussed and recipient agreed.
ACTION: Jules to confirm the venue has been booked and request cocktails and mocktails. Ollie to publish poster and create a message board for attendance and Pot Luck offerings.
Christmas do – Last year’s Stuart Line Cruise to be explored again as an option.
ACTION: Jules to contact Stuart Line Cruises for availability/options.
Members Meeting EGM
Date to be set for the meeting w/c 13 November.
There was not enough time left in meeting to discuss any points or a proposed agenda for the event. A suggestion box is to be put up at the end of season do to enable members to express any thoughts anonymously ahead of the meeting.
ACTION: Jules to check with Mark regarding availability of The Police Club w/c 13 November.
Proposal from George to check high tide predictions and to block club rows on booking tool in advance.
ACTION: Greg to provide dated to Ollie
Next committee meeting – Wed 01 Nov – The Police Club.
17th August 2023
Attendees: Greg Price, Nicola Price, Ollie Knights, Sue Golay, Jules Hardwick, Megan Rodgers, Jeff Nicholls
Apologies: Jen Mills
Welcome – GP
Thanks to the committee for attendance. Suggestion to possibly move future meetings to MS Teams to better accommodate those attending remotely.
Finance – JN
$14k total $7k each accounts, invoices up to date.
Bigger picture look at future expenditure to help make funding decisions and inform which grants we should go to.
Possible avenue to explore for grants – Retired demographic
No up date from EDDC regarding Camperdown Car Park.
GP went to EDDC presentation/networking event at Ocean hosted by Jerry (EDDC) to gain a greater understanding of the plans for the redevelopment of Exmouth. Good networking opportunity. Although not entirely relevant to the Gig Club,. Positive takeaway is that we are looking at developing an area that is of interest and to the group (Train Station – Seafront). Also positive sign that we are being invited to the table.
Funding decisions/Equipment – GP
Ladies training oars – Approx. $3k. Following research and feedback from other clubs we would go with Suttons. Probably look at selling our worse graded set.
VOTE AND DECISION: Buy a new set of ladies’ oars
Other equipment wish list:
Rodney Bey trailer
New Trolleys
ACTION: GP to chase both suppliers for costs, bring to next meeting
The committee discussed a possible different approach to finances in order to understand over all cots to the club and inform reinvestment. Objective being to identify budgets for different areas of expenditure.
ACTION: JN – Look at identifying budgets and projection based on memberships and running costs.
Membership capacity – Coxes numbers have reduced, decision made to remain closed to new members and introduction rows until coxes in place to support.
ACTION: When experienced rows approach the club, Jen to liaise with GP to assess ability.
Look to increase coxes. Suggestion to postpone training rows during October to regroup the club and reignite the interest coxes. Explore the option to create a presentation around coves, waters, condition variables, safety.
ACTION: NP & GP to look at current coxes and build a presentation.
Alternative membership options – DECISION: No change
Social Update
Exmouth Rowing Club approached to arrange a joint venture on Sat 16 Sept. Sub Committee keen to participate however not suitable in Sept – advised to push back to Oct.
ACTION: GP to check in with Liz with general sub committee progress and to suggest dates and times for social rows to give focus
Discussion around bringing together the club and training rows. This will happen naturally in October following a break from training rows.
End of season social – 28 October 2023
ACTION: NP to contact CPGA to arrange fixed seat coaching level 2
New committee members
Invite members to nominate for the committee in the next Newsletter.
Meeting to be held in November to discuss club strategy for 2024 season – Open to all members.
Look at an agenda, to circulate prior to meeting.
Regatta role proposal: Single POC for each regatta focusing on logistics for 2024 season.
DECISION: Look at this option next year ahead of next season.
Scillies: GP to ask CPGA and NP to approach other clubs with multiple boats to scope possibility of taking more crews.
Deadline for entries end of August
Exeter Canal festival – Question over whether we want to attend as a club as not open to new rowers. Will decline on this occasion as not looking to increase members, but request to remain on the list for future events.
CPGA nominations for outstanding contributions in the community,
ACTION: to be added to the newsletter.
Following a misunderstanding, agreed that training rows are not to be altered without consultation and agreement form the duty cox.
ACTION: Direction to be included the newsletter
Discussion had following a member’s complaint over attitude and comments of a fellow member.
ACTION: Concenred individuals to be contacted directly and a reminder of code of conduct, agreed by all members when joining, to be reiterated to all in the Newsletter.
Next committee meeting 21 September 1930hrs – the Police Club.
08th July 2023
Location: The Point Bar and Grill
Attendees: Greg Price, Nicola Price, Sue Golay, Megan Rodgers, Jen Mills
Apologies: Ollie Knights, Jules Hardwick, Jeff Nicholls,Vic Leyland
Welcome – GP
- Confirm minutes from previous meeting – no outstanding actions.
Financial Update –
JN (via WHatsapp) £6.5k in the current account, £7k in the savings account
Club house –
JN (via GP and Whatsapp) – Initial application is now with EDDC for long term hire of a piece of land, and potential construction of a structure of some sort.
JN to update committee as matters progress.
Race/Training – NP
- GP – Thanks must go to club captains and other members who have invested time and effort into this.
- Various options were discussed around the structuring of alternative training pool options. It was also discussed that perhaps as a club we needed to agree a broader set of aims/values/priorities, (mission statement?) both shared over-arching priorities for the club as a whole, but also for the various sectors within the club, for example: ‘super-competitive’, ‘semi-competitive’, and social. It was thought that this might help clarify some of the expectations around commitment to training for competitive events, and also ensure that members who don’t want to be involved at the most competitive level still see considered alternative offerings.
- Action: JH Meeting to be held in September around club strategy/competitive priorities in readiness for 2024 season, date tbc at next meeting, please add to agenda for next meeting
- GN – Request for an individual member to liaise with committee to coordinate on-water social events, with a view to this perhaps becoming a committee position going forwards.
- Action – JM to draft e-mail to membership asking for anyone with an interest to step forward
- Sign up deadlines for regattas/events – MR expressed frustration at the lack of attention paid to deadlines for sign up to events. It was acknowledged that this often happens and can’t really be avoided, but again, recognising the club’s shared values and priorities (see above re: ‘mission statement’) might help to make sure people understand what they’re signing up to and the level of commitment that is expected, appropriate to the nature of the event.
Exmouth Regatta
- GP – Low levels of commitment shown by other clubs to our new date, probably due to proximity to Lyme’s regatta. On this basis the committee voted to cancel this year’s regatta.
- NP suggested that the remaining Jurassic league events this year be opened up more broadly, with a view to getting regatta experience for those that want it, and the more competitive crews to focus on the championships.
- Action – GP to communicate the cancellation to involved parties
Social Update – MR
- 10th year anniversary planning- Carrie to be invited to September meeting to discuss celebrations.
- Date for end of season social – 28th Oct at Police Club
Membership – JM / GP
- Intro feedback – 6 rowers still in the pipeline, to be filtered through club rows, with 4 more in a position to join should they wish. New rower membership otherwise paused.
- Alternative membership options- GP proposed Pay as You Go type membership for eg visiting rowers. General consensus was ‘no’ for the moment, for further discussion. JM – we already have a mechanism in place for temporary membership, for intro rows.
- Action – JH – to be added to agenda for next meeting please
Funding decisions
- New oars – MR has applied to Sport England for funding. Outcome of this will determine whether or not we go ahead with new oars immediately, otherwise for further discussion at next meeting. Approximate cost £3k
- Action – JH – to add to agenda of next meeting please
- New Trolley decision (sorry, no notes on this!)
- JN – We might benefit from an expenditure plan / wish list to help with budgeting and financial planning
- Action – JH – to add to agenda of next meeting please
GP informed the committee that Vic L has decided to step down with immediate effect. The value of Vic’s input was very much acknowledged by all and thanks go to her for the time and effort she has put in.
Date of next meeting : 10th August 7.00pm at Exmouth Police Club
08th June 2023
Attendees: Greg Price, Sue Goley, Jeff Nicholls, Jules Hardwick, Jen Mills, Nic Price, Vic Leyland, Ollie Knights (dial in)
Apologies: Meg Rogers
Club Chair report: GP
Welcome, outstanding actions table reviewed and updated.
Thanks to committee members for their continued support. Acknowledgement of work involved with Exmouth Regatta, particularly Ollie whose exceptional effort and work on the arrangements and cutting through the red tape for the Exmouth Regatta was gratefully acknowledged.
The Gig club’s relationship with the Sea Cadets is strained, with another complaint raised on Wed 07 June regarding a gig club member’s use of Sea Cadet’s facilities. Chair emailed Cadets to address any concerns they have. Cadet Chair – Ian, reiterated we are welcome and have the right to be there. They will deal with the inappropriate attitude towards the gig club members in-house, although the incident has heightened the urgency and ambition to secure our own digs.
Financial update: JN
£13,650 Total balance across the ops and savings accounts.
Easy fundraising gift received: £27.
New WhatsApp group established for finance queries only.
Clubhouse: JN
Jeff spoke with Jerry from East Devon District Council who indicated there would be future development on the seafront. EDDC are liaising with a consultancy (WSP), who will be conducting a review on how EDDC estate is currently utilised to make recommendations. Exmouth Gig Club invited to submit a one pager outlining our requirements for their consideration. All promising signs but would offer a long term solution only.
In the short term – Suggestion was made to EDDC that we take up part of the Camperdown carpark – and possibly erect a simple timber structure. Whilst not immediately dismissed, EDDC indicated reluctance to give up car spaces that provide them revenue. JN proposed we calculate the footprint we would require converted to car space size and cover the lost potential revenue in rent. EDDC were receptive to this idea.
ACTION: JN to proceed with paperwork for council to apply to use council space. GP and JN to inspect carpark space to assess opportunities.
Regatta update: GP/OK
Two Regatta meetings have taken place since last committee and good progress has been made. The last meeting focused on the water side of the event and was attended by those providing water support (Starcross cruising and fishing club). Next meeting Thurs 15 June. Members available and keen to row have registered interest, NP to review with selection committee and form crews whilst ensuring enough members are on land to support event.
Jurassic league rep – Aled –Volunteered to support on water throughout day. Regatta will make a loss as we do not hold a trade licence or method to produce income. Committee agreed it a valid expense. Also agreed that this year will be small and fact finding to gain understanding of the intricacies and requirement around putting together the event. It was also noted that it was a good opportunity to raise local awareness of the club. Will go into next year ‘eyes open’ and prepared for a larger event with possible means for fund raising. GP – Met with council Thurs 08 June regarding daily rental of grass area for trailers on the day, content with understanding.
Members update: JM
The new rowers’ system has been tweaked slightly resulting in new rowers (following safety/suitability sign off from observing coxes) potentially being able to embed into club sessions for their 2nd and/or 3rd intro row.
Next intro row 27 June, catering for four potential new rowers and three already in the system (have had at least one intro row).
Committee agreed to temporarily pause intake of new rowers to allow the club and members to develop and invest time into the recent new joiners. New experienced rowers/coxes will still be considered by the committee. New joiners pause will be reviewed again in approx. three months /end of the season (Oct).
Review of the cox/rower ratio of the club finds the club in a relatively healthy position. Allowing for coxes limited availability, experience etc. the club currently stands at a conservative 1:6.2. It was agreed that a ratio of 1:8 would be the maximum sustainable ratio although acknowledged that more coxes always welcomed to ensure no undue pressure put onto existing coxes.
Race training update: NP
Selection committee are currently choosing teams for the Exmouth Regatta and 2 x Vets crews for Vets Championship.
NP raised concern over the findings so far in the club survey results – Current feedback suggests majority of rowers would prioritise training as a crew over time on the water. Availability has been an issue to get crews out to provide this despite Spond proving a helpful tool. Whilst more than happy to continue, the question was raised over whether the time and energy invested in order to get crews out for training was appropriate, if it was not necessarily what the members wanted. It was pointed out that the return of the survey so far represented only a very small proportion of the club, so caution was advised over drawing early conclusion over the findings, however it did present an opportunity for further discussion amongst the committee.
A healthy debate around the benefits and different approaches of crew coordination/set squads/training pools for the competitive season was had. The commitment required from rowers and the opportunity for club rows to still be potential for learning and improving technique were also presented. It was acknowledged that the competitive side of club had expanded. The committee was mindful of the balance/ equity of club – Competition versus Inclusivity. No conclusions drawn, just that it was a difficult one to manage and conversation and awareness of that amongst the committee was a good thing and to be continued.
ACTION: NP will take a look at Pool training/options and discuss with the crew captains to formulate some ideas on different possible approaches.
Social Update: GP on behalf MR
Exe Regatta 08 July – Concern over member take up and therefore ability to participate. The suggestion that we inform members that this event
ACTION: MR to nail down details of the day and disseminate to members to encourage uptake
Liz approached MR to ask about the possibility of arranging a social row to Topsham. The committee agreed that members should be encouraged to organise and come up with social ideas, that it was not the responsibility of the committee alone.
Youth Club: VL
VL have spoken to Poole and Newquay and received advice and tips on their approach to junior club members. DBS would be required and relates to specific individuals not a collective. Agreed that it wouldn’t be too difficult to manage once up and running. Possible funding/sponsorship for junior oars would be required.
Equipment: GP
Rodney’s trailer can be fixed.
John has advised and the decision taken to shorten our set of racing oars.
It was raised that we may need to invest in a new set of racing oars, offsetting the cost (£3-4K for new oars) against the sale of an older set.
Recommendation from John – Andrew Nancarrow for all things wooden, inc. oars
It was presented that from now on, oars to be protected. Racing oars are not to be used for Club rows.
Noted that the boats are drying out in the heat. Shelley had sustained some damage, short term fix by bosun for Swanage. All further evidence of the requirement of a clubhouse/indoor storage for the boats.
H&S – OK
Nothing to report
ACTION: MR identify a date for end of season social.
A club member had requested that the committee paid attention to our Social media, raising concerns that old members were still on Facebook and WhatsApp group. Committee discussed and concluded that there was no risk to old members having access, particularly as the Whatsapp group was for disseminating messages only. No action required.
It was noted that with the potential build of a club house, new oars and development of the Youth Cub, there was a big wish list and need for expenditure. With different options to explore in regards to funding sources, it was suggested that a wish list was established and most suitable ways of funding each venture should be identified in order to aid progress.
Next committee meeting – Thurs 06 July, 1900hrs Police Club.
07th May 2023
Chair – Greg Price (GP)
V Chair – Sue Goley (SG)
Sec – Jules Hardwick (JH)
H&S – Ollie Knight (OK)
Race Captain – Nicola Price (NP)
Social – Meg Rogers (MR
Membership Sec – Jen
Treasurer – Jeff
Youth – Vic Leyland (VL)
Actions from previous meeting:
- Members survey has been produced and will be disseminated in the Newsletter.
Newsletter contents discussed by all. Deadline for entries agreed as Friday 12 May. GP summarised Newsletter content
- IOS round up
- Welcome to new members
- Details of new race captains and approach to selection
- Member survey
- Dates for upcoming regattas, including Exe regatta
- Socials
Financial update:
Briefed by GP in JN absence:
Over $9K in current account and over $8K in savings.
Treasurer proposed to set up a new WhatsApp group dedicated to financial queries/requests.
Request for an audit of members. Reports no outstanding membership fees.
Clubhouse Update:
ACTION: GP to contact JN for an update.
Exmouth Regatta:
GP briefed: Sub-committee to meet on 16 May at 1930hrs for first meeting, a WhatsApp group has been set up in advance. Chair briefed the committee on the following: Plenty of volunteers established but may be a need for more. Potential opportunity to use Ribs supplied by the Starcross Sailing and Fishing Club. Beach HQ had been located and support agreed with Harbour View Café. Medical cover discussed and St John’s cover a potential. Invitation list to be sorted. First refusal to go to Jurassic League Clubs. Potential for Jurassic League T-Shirts to sell on the day to include the Exmouth Gig Club logo. Catering outsourced/not supplied by club as plenty of options available in vicinity.
ACTION: All to be discussed at Sub Committee meeting. NP to check with Jurassic League sponsors in relation to T-Shirts.
Members Update:
GP briefed in JM absence: Club currently stands at 50+ members, with 23 initial interest emails still to be actioned. The committee agreed to suspend or cancel all old members that had not renewed. Reminders had been sent, the deadline for renewal had passed and the ability to rejoin always available. Only approximately 10 members not renewed.
Race/Training Update:
NP reported two new club captains – Gina and Steve had been appointed following EOI. A request for feedback from IOS had been put out and will be reported next meeting.
Preparation for the Masters was underway, needs one more crew member for men’s.
ACTION: MR to ask Sidmouth Gig Club if interested.
Weymouth preparation also underway, training pools to be established.
John from Salcombe had joined the club and available to coach crews most Sundays.
MR briefed: Exe Estuary Regatta – 08/07/2023. In partnership with Exmouth Rowing Club – two gigs needed.
Following the cancellation of the Coronation BBQ, possible alternative social events were proposed:
- Club BBQ
- Skittles night at the Police Club – 2/3 June?
- Possible social rows
ACTION: MR to deconflict calendar with regattas and send potential dates for social rows to.
Equipment update:
GP reported that Shelley Maid was returning from the Scillies on 13/05/2023, Greg and Steve to collect 14/05/2023. liaise with Bosun team as to availability for work
GP proposed the possibility of selling off one set of oars to replace with a new competitive set.
ACTION: GP to obtain prices for new set of blades.
Rodney’s trailer not fit for purpose and needs attention. Repair to Rodney’s pin plate to be carried our by Dave in the week
ACTION: GP to research options – new/used/service.
Health and Safety:
OK briefed that auto inflate Lifejackets obtained. Information regarding the use of lifejackets to be added to the new members intro email.
Man over Board process to be covered and practised by members and coxes.
ACTION: SG to discuss with Craig to arrange a practical session with coxes for them to cover with crews.
SG queried the status with new cox training. Discussed the pros and cons of a member of the crew sitting in front of the cox for experience and inspire interest.
Next meeting agreed for Wednesday 07/06/2023 – 1900hrs Police Club.
11th March 2023
Venue: Police Club
Apologies: Jeff Nicholls, Jen Mills
Welcome to new committee members Megan and Jules, welcome back to ‘old club members’
New roles and responsibilities – these are flexible and can be adjusted/shared as needed:
Greg Price- Chair
Sue Golay- Vice Chair
Jules Hardwick- Secretary
Jeff Nicholls- Treasurer
Ollie Knights- Health and Safety/Website
Nicola Price- Club Captain
Megan Rogers- Fund Raising/Social Secretary
Jen Mills- New Members Secretary
Victoria Leyland- Junior Rowing Section
- Ollie – Send out an email to all club members asking what members want from the club- to ensure we are reflecting the needs of diverse membership, balance competition/fitness/social aspects
- Nicola – Send an email to all club members to invite members to volunteer for 2 new roles- Ladies Captain and Mens Captain. (Currently the Crew Coordinator and Duty Committee works well- may need to develop duty Committee in the future)
- Nicola – Upload the upcoming Regatta’s onto the message board. Weymouth next one- 3K Erg times to be requested for any club members keen to be considered.
- Greg – Exmouth Regatta- Make contact with members who may be able to support and form working groups to help in pre and on the day Regatta logistics. E.g- Gina (draw on experience organising Sidmouth Regatta) Mark- Boats/Finish line. Angela- fundraising- group to look at catering etc…
- Greg – Jurassic League CPGA Weymouth 7pm see if any other coxes want to attend.
Victoria – To put out members renewal reminder- currently renewals are slowly coming in. - Saturday 22nd Boat clean/ Yard tidy up- getting the cupboard labelled up and organised.
John (Salcombe Cox) has offered to cox the Exmouth Ladies Open Crew at the IOS – agreed that this would be a good opportunity to free up Greg/George to focus on competing. Some training sessions will happen before the IOS. Greg will arrange for this to happen at the weekend training.
Gina, Pete and Dave are all picking up aspects of the role of Bosun – need to make sure this is recognised and valued.
Exmouth have sent back the list of volunteers to the CPGA for the IOS.
Masters Paignton/Masters Swanage/Masters Lyme Regis – just need to look at which regatta’s aside from the point scoring ones we will be entering.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 9th May 7-9pm
2022/23 Season
30th March 2023 (AGM)
Venue: Police Club
Active members required to attend – 22
Active members attending the meeting – 32
See the separate power point presentation for the chairman’s, club captains and social secretary’s overview. Also see the separate financial report from the treasurer. All were shared with all club members attending the meeting.
All 7 outgoing committee members decided to re-stand and were elected alongside the 2 nominees that were submitted. The new committee board is 9 members. See names below.
Greg Price
Sue Golay
Ollie knights
Jeff Nicholls
Victoria Leyland
Jen Mills
Nicola Price
Newly elected nominees were :-
Megan Rodgers
Jules Hardwick
- No vote was needed as there is still less committee members than the full board allowance of 10 members.
- No motions were forwarded before the meeting or raised at the meeting.
- There were no questions or comments from the members attending at the end of the meeting.
- The date of the first meeting for the new committee to discuss roles will be on 11th April 2023.
The date of the next AGM will be 28th March 2024.
20th March, 2023
Venue: 65 Egremont Road
Greg Price, Nicola Price, Ollie Knights, Sue Golay, Victoria Leyland,
Apologies: Jeff Nicholls, Jen Mills
Minutes from the last meeting– Agreed
Actions from previous meeting
Last Sunday Club row will be Sunday 26th March then from Thursday 6th April Club Rows will be moved to a Thursday evening from 6pm and Saturday 9am-11am
The presentation for the AGM has been completed- OK just needs to add the financial Update bits from JN- Finance Report.
Reminder to email out one last Social Media prompt to encourage as many club members as possible to attend the AGM on Thursday 30th March T THE Police Club.
Check on the Life Jacket advice- contradiction between the CPGA and RNLI
Cupboard and where things go needs labelling up- check what needs replacing
Financial Update – GP
Club funds healthy, with anticipation of increasing now new memberships due- likely to be a few more new members and most existing hopefully rejoining.
£6,891 in account with £4,843 in reserve/back up fund
Shelly Maid signage has been paid
Still some IOS competitors due to pay £25 to attend- reminder to go out via crew coordinators
Club House update
GP & JN met with EDDC and discussed further need for a space for boats/potentially Camperdown area- discussed what would be needed. JN speaking to an Architect- start to move things forward.
Members Update- GP
Next intro session planned for 1st April- good conversion from taster sessions to membership. Will look to tapering this off as moving into regatta season- less cox availability etc…
AGM: Date 30th March 7pm Police Club
Reminders sent out- hoping for a good turn out of members. We have 2 new nominations- as spaces on the committee for 10 this will mean no voting needed – will bring committee up to 9 members – after the AGM New Committee will meet to sort out roles and responsibilities in new committee.
Good to focus on the Exmouth Regatta/roles/areas for development, look at some sub-committee’s for different areas.
Next AGM Date set- 28th March 2024
Regatta/Race/Training Update- NP
Exmouth home Regatta will take place on Sunday the 25th June
- Need to set up a Sub-Committee to start with planning/on the day etc…
- Craig/Greg looked at the potential course. Jurassic League do not have set specifications on what the course should look like.
- Would need to be a minimum of10 races as one of the point scoring Regatta’s- so need to decide which Clubs to invite – All JL clubs, Teign, Dartmouth, Clevedon and then a reserve list?
- Role within the Committee to coordinate?
3RR- Brilliant success- very positive result for Exmouth. Both crews did really well- write up to go in the next newsletter.
Upcoming regattas- NP will add the regattas onto the msg board for members to sign up and express interest. This will happen beginning of April after the AGM.
Dartmouth Regatta- 8th April – Good response- lots of races entered- Some training especially for the IOS crews. Everyone keen to go will row at least once, most 2/3 times.
Training rows going well- all crews have been out on the water. Off water training also progressing, crews sharing challenges. Good level of on the water and off the water training. Last Club row this Sunday . Monday S Vets and Vets out, Weds both Open crews out
Reminder to go out regarding the £25 fee for anyone attending the IOS. This will be coxes and racers.
IOS crew changes – This has happened and crews now training together as teams
Potentially look at other opportunities- London GRR etc…
Social Update JM
Nothing currently needs planning- next event 6th May ‘Coronation Do’ Potentially promote camping at Swanage to anyone planning on attending
Coxes update & training
Keep promoting and on the agenda to see if any members keen to give coxing a trial
Equipment update
Shelly Maid is now back in the yard and in use, looking really good- just need to make sure that members are careful with her when launching/recovering to keep her looking good. Especially catching her as crews return to the beach. Keep using – but not too much to keep in good condition.
Trailer needs urgent attention before Dartmouth. Due and booked in to be serviced/repaired.
Rodney needs work interim mending and then in for full repairs autumn 23.
Thanks to Pete, Gina and Dave- to be given at the AGM
Life jacket- GP to purchase see if more needed- decision on which type- CPGA advice V RNLI – ask Mark C? Self-inflating or manual inflation devices?
Yard needs a tidy up- labelled up where things are/boxes sorted. Potential ‘Clean and Tidy up’ 1st April during/after club rows
Rodney needs secoflex- just until goes in for repairs in the Autumn. Rodeney needs flipping and cleaning- very grubby.
Plan to do a clean on the 1st April, wheel round Avocet, clean Rodney, do an equipment check and label up cupboard.
Sets of Ladies Oars? Look at getting rid of one set of oars, donating? Auction? And buying a new set? Need some guidance to club members on looking after the oars carefully. Carpet on rests at the cadet yard, not placing down on seats etc…
Safeguarding/Youth Section
Still looking at the Summer- June after IOS to develop a youth section
VL contacted Anne at CPGA- guidnace limited- follow up be visiting clubs that have a youth section.
Health and Safety
Accident at the yard – one member of the club fell off the trolley as cover being put on after the club row- all first aid procedures and accident procedures followed.
Importance of First Aiders and knowing what to do highlighted. Checking all safety procedures in place – more first aid training?
Newsletter after the AGM to be agreed by new incoming committee, Potential sponsors for the Exmouth Regatta? Quick Gin? Spoken? Ideas of businesses that could be approached/Avocet brewery, advertising on trailer? Wait until new roles decided then follow up.
Next meeting
April- TBC when new committee formed.
20th February 2023
65 Egremont Road
- Greg Price,
- Nicola Price,
- Ollie Knights,
- Sue Golay,
- Victoria Leyland,
- Jen Mills
Apologies: Jeff Nicholls
Minutes from the last meeting – Agreed
Financial Update – GP
Club funds healthy, with anticipation of increasing now new memberships due.
£6,747 in account with £4,834 in reserve fund
Planned big expenses- getting the trailer repairs sorted- Shelly urgent- will be going to the mechanic at Upton Pyne- needs doing before Dart Regatta.
Rodney will need attention – autumn
Paid IOS shipping fees
Need VHF radio
Life jackets- £50/60 per unit
£25 per person- IOS rowers- should cover the shipping cost but still be affordable to rowers.
Club House update – GP
In contact with EDDC- JP/GP looking for a date when they can meet and discus siting of a clubhouse/storage- on their radar.
Members Update – GP/JM
Those new members joining now fees will cover from now and through to the 23/24 membership. They will need to fill in the next years form too.
Reminder to renew to go out after the AGM- membership will stay at £110 per year- AGM good opportunity to discuss any changes- Social membership £10 per annum for non-rowers.
AGM – Date 30th March 7pm Police Club-
Info on FB Page and Message board- looking like we will have 51% of active members- to push weekly and remind members to attend if they can.
All existing Committee members have submitted forms to stand again and 1 new member nomination- continue to chat to and encourage members to put themselves forward if keen. Reports to be included from GP/JN and some feedback from JM and NP on current membership numbers and regatta updates. e.g. stats- how many new members, intro rows, competitions etc…
Thank members for supporting the Club and especially the Intro rows- Thank Gina, Dave, Pete for all the additional bosun help
Next AGM Date set – 28th March 2024
Regatta/Race/Training Update – NP
Exmouth home Regatta will take place on Sunday the 25th June
- GP has updated the Port Authorities and completed the necessary documentation.
- Speaking to EDDC about a temporary trading licence. One way round this could be external caterers- e.g Moores Pasties.
- Could be a potential fundraiser for the club.
- GP spoke to Mark Champion re: the Course- more discussion needed options to stick very much to original layout. Another avenue Les Norclift Bridport- seeking advice from other clubs, CPGA.
- Look at where trailers will be stored previously on the green
- Minimum of 10 races- Exmouth one of the Point scoring JL regattas- invite list
Upcoming regattas – NP will add the regattas onto the msg board for members to sign up and express interest.
Dartmouth Regatta- 8th April = already on the message board- to be used as an IOS practice- so far good response/sign up. 13 women, 11 men signed up for Dartmouth.
IOS shipping update has changed for SM so will be available for Dartmouth.
Training rows going well- all crews have been out on the water. Off water training also progressing, crews sharing challenges. Take up for Sea Cadet sessions on a Tuesday has been good. Next session planned 28th February. Potentially 14th March and the 28th March. Once evening training on the water may not need Cadet yard training.
IOS crew changes – One of the Ladies Open rowers has withdrawn- so changes made, a rower from Ladies SV moved into Ladies Open and reserve moved into Ladies SV.
3RR- training going well so far.
Reminder to everyone to pace themselves and that all are responsible for their own fitness and preparation, go at their own pace.
IOS crews and 3RR
Social Update JM
Quiz Night at the Point very successful and raised over £100 for the club- well attended
Mark has offered a follow up Quiz night at the Police Club on Saturday March 4th- VL to promote via Website and Message board.
Intro rows
Really good response and feedback to the January intro rows, the next one will be Sunday 5th March with those new rowers that have rowed before option to sign up, those coxes feel competent can filter through club rows and some who may need the third session to complete all 3 rows.
OK suggested that JM could book intro rowers onto the session using her log in to avoid the two list system where passing names to duty cox etc… they will then have access to all to be booked on to each session.
Coxes update & training
Mark, Kat, Nicola, Sara S, Gina- look at moving more coxes through after IOS
Equipment update
Shelly Maid is now back in the yard and in use. Trailer needs urgent attention before Dartmouth. Due and booked in to be serviced/repaired.
Rodney needs work- interim mending and then in for full repairs autumn 23.
Thanks to Pete, Gina and Dave
VHF radio- Chandery
Life jacket- GP to purchase see if more needed.
Yard needs a tidy up- labelled up where things are/boxes sorted.
Potential ‘Clean and Tidy up’ 1st April during/after club rows
Safeguarding/Youth Section
Still looking at the Summer- June after IOS to develop a youth section
VL to contact Anne CPGA and seek advice re: DBS/Insurance etc…
Health and Safety:
Few close calls recently- looking at what support might be needed for the coxes- challenging waters and conditions. Update protocols. Seek advice from Craig. Waters/sandbanks always changing.
- 20th May training rows/club rows/Bridport Social rows
- Newsletter- None needed until after AGM
- Focus on promoting AGM- encouraging attendance
- IOS and training, Club membership/new membership
Next meeting
Monday 20th March- to discuss upcoming AGM focus
16th January 2022
Police Club, Rolle Road
- Greg Price,
- Nicola Price,
- Jen Mills,
- Ollie Knights,
- Sue Golay,
- Victoria Leyland,
- Jeff Nicholls
No apologies
Minutes from the last meeting
New MOB- AOB this meeting
Life jacket purchase
First Aid offer reviewed and retracted for now
First Aid stocked bar wrap blankets
Financial Update – GP/JN
Club funds reasonably healthy.
Currently £5 single row, £10 3 rows. JM to check numbers and payments before the intro rows- potentially review our new rowers system/payments
JN- Will check all payments and flag to VL who can chase outstanding payments
Check shipping for IOS
Clubhouse- JN to chase again end of January- no news on this.
Members Update – GP/JM
Unfortunately 14th January intro row had to be cancelled due to the weather.
Next intro row Sunday January 29th- Approximately 16-19 new rowers of varying age and ability. More females than male new rowers. Potentially changing the way we recruit/accept new members- e.g. a point in the year open to new members when time and weather favourable- to be discussed moving forwards.
Membership stable- much smaller membership than many other Jurassic League Clubs-
AGM-Thursday 30th March 7pm – Police Club- VL to put date out to members after the Quiz night.
AGM – This will be the point at which any changes to the constitution are made.
Regatta/Race/Training Update – NP
Exmouth home Regatta will take place on Sunday the 25th June
GP to lead on this but will need significant club support and input prior to this in terms of planning and on the day. Health and safety, Catering (food hygiene) logistics, BBQ.
Prior to this need to look at Notice to Marina, Port Authority, River Users etc… Start boat, Safety Boats, Speak to the Sailing Club, Course- GP to approach M Champion/ support from CPGA, Logistics, contacting EDDC- running an event on the sea front. GP- to seek guidance, contact Keith and Rowing Club. Gig Drop-offs will need a time slot and agreed which clubs to invite- approx 12 boats. We will count as points regatta in the Jurassic League Regattas. Source water, generator, sound system.
VL- To put a Msg Board request for support/working party/good for club members to get involved- to let GP know so teams can be arranged. VL to balance overloading with info- paced updates.
Jurassic League Meeting December- GP attended- all aside from Portland attending IOS. Jurassic League format for the point scoring regattas will be the same as previous years- Open A, B, Vets, S Vets, Mixed and Under 16. There will be 5 Regattas that are point scoring-
Exmouth, Weymouth, Swanage, Bridport, Sidmouth- We will attend all of these and then others if logistics work to do so.
CPGA- GP attended this meeting- trustees update, unclear exactly what the CPGA will be offering in terms of additional support. Moved to using ‘Just Go’ platform- this will be populated over the next year. CPGA affiliated events- Super Vets Championships, Indoor Rowing Championships.
21st January 2024 next CPGA AGM.
3RR- Training commenced- Sundays training 3RR.
IOS- Teams selected and training has begun- Saturdays before and after the Club row to keep the club row time protected- Training rowers will be expected to continue to support the club rows- training going well- all crews have met to discuss a ‘plan’
Erg training- this has been positive- 2 more sessions booked in for 24th Jan and 31st- plan to make sure off water training takes place if on water training cancelled. Agreed cost of £2 per rower to cover the cost of the Sea Cadet Yard- each having a 30 minute slot. Will need to borrow some additional ergs- train as a crew.
Can’t be used on a Wednesday but could Tuesday/Saturdays.
Fowey- 4th February
Dartmouth Regatta- 8th April
Social Update JM
Quiz Night planned at ‘The Point’ each person pays £2 proceeds split with the Gig Rowing Club- To push and advertise to club members.
Coronation themed social planned for 6th May. Meet at the Maer on the Saturday 4pm? After rowing… encourage people to being food/picnics/social get together
Intro rows
January one re-arranged to the 29th January- plan to move to filtering new and interested rowers through the club rows as opposed to 3 separate intro rows. This needs more thought and discussion. Will trial for the latest new members- less time to get new members joined up ready for the Summer.
Coxes update & training
Mark, Kat, Nicola, Sara S, Sarah B, all keen- lots of shadowing and taking crews out happening. Continue to move towards taking out club rows when conditions allow.
Equipment update
Shelly Maid has now been been painted and is just waiting to have her name put back on by Devon signs. She’s looking amazing. Gina, Pete, Dave have worked hard to get her sanded and painted. She now needs to be lifted back onto trailer and returned to yard. Date likely to be the 28th January after club row- at least 18 volunteers needed to lift. GP will confirm date with Gina.
Rodney a mess – needs work. Check where leaking/potentially just fill gaps as a holding solution until work can begin on her in the Autumn?
Trailers need servicing- both need work- GP to speak to look into
GP to speak to Pete S about the varnish on number 3 oar
Timescale- would like a junior crew by September/October
First point of contact- any members that have children that might be keen to trial- start with Club’s own children and then develop. VL work with GP/OK on this- begin to put out feelers for interest.
- Newsletter – Get information to OK before the end of January
- Sessions cancelled- If a session is cancelled in advance this decision will be made by the Duty Committee- If Club Row cancelled, then training rows will also be cancelled. If cancelled ‘on the beach’ the cox will make this decision. Training rows can be re-scheduled by the cox and crew – e.g. for a different time/later in the day if all in agreement.
- Email Checking- If an email is not for you leave it– If it is relevant to another member of the Committee then leave as unread so that emails are not missed. VL will go through old emails and clear/archive these.
- Ben massage offer – All agreed as relevant to rowing this can be shared via club – it would be beneficial to club members.
- CPGA- Personal Accident Insurance- GP to reply
- Life Jackets- see previous minutes
- Man overboard training still needed- Craig?
- Reminder to encourage all club members to read the handbook as a lot of information is in there.
Next meeting
Monday 20th February 7pm Police Club
05th October 2022
Exmouth Police Club
Greg Price (GP)
Nicola Price (NP)
Ollie Knights (OK)
Jeff Nicholls (JN) (Remotely)
Jen Mills (JM)
Sue Golay (SG)
Victoria Leyland (VL)
GP and JN to audit membership subs
Outstanding expenses payments to committee members discussed, GP and OK both have payments due to them. Amounts tbc
The club currently pays £125 pcm to Sea Cadets yard, and £40pcm for Shelley’s storage off site.
Club Account Balance: £8313.30 Back up Account Balance: £4075.49
Huge thanks to Victoria Leyland for once again organising, and all those who volunteered at Glastonbury Festival. Funding for the club this year came to an incredible £2175!
CASC update – JN and GP to discuss
17 Attendees to recent erg technique event. Great turnout and really positive feedback.
Charity erg event scheduled for 26th Nov 9am-2pm @ Sea Cadets’ clubhouse, Megan intends to row a marathon, 50% to club 50% to local charity – Pete’s Dragons suggested tbc. All members invited to participate. More info to follow via message board, NP to post.
Possibility of further erg sessions discussed
Sunday sessions to resume 6th Nov. Cox availability is still a limiting factor, but we are progressing in the right direction.
Thanks to NP for work in build-up to County Champs. A really positive outcome, with Exmouth’s highest ever placing at joint 37th overall, and the men reaching their first ever quarter finals.
NP to put out some comms around selection committee, to ensure clarity.
Rob Santucci is organising our upcoming inter club race day – 2 crews available at the time of writing, only Exmouth crews to be involved on this occasion.
Black and Orange party 29th October: awards discussed and confirmed. JM to seek feedback from selection committee. OK to create form for Rowers’ Rower and include in upcoming newsletter. JM to source prizes and trophies where appropriate, GP and NP to confirm which trophies they already have at home. Blind auction agreed for oars, GP to confirm how many oars available to auction.
Christmas party confirmed for 10th December, comms to be released on this immediately after Orange and Black Party.
SG to speak to The Point about a date in Feb / March re: club quiz.
No new cox signoffs as yet but training is continuing well
Cox availability is still limited
There will be good Exmouth representation at the coach’s forum scheduled for 9th October with several coxes attending a variety of sessions
Dave Curnock is back from hols mid-October, work on Shelly to begin, with the aim for her to be back on the water by December.
Pete Stobart is to take away racing oars, members requested not to use these now until after Pete has completed his work on them.
No actions currently. Resume activity early next year.
OK to circulate for committee content by the end of next week, and to include form for Rowers’ Rower
OK – website issues are ongoing, currently in the hands of the service provider but any timescale for a resolution is unclear. Short term workarounds discussed for booking form etc.
Nov 16th, 2022
Venue: Exmouth Police Club tbc
17th July 2022
- Greg Price (GP),
- Nicola Price (NP),
- Jen Mills (JM),
- Ollie Knights (OK),
- Sue Golay (SG),
- Victoria Leyland (VL)
Apologies: Jeff Nicholls (JN)
Financial Update
GP and JN have now access to the online banking for the Gig Club account. They now need to sort out the App so that things can be transferred immediately.
Committee members have now been reimbursed for outstanding invoices, a few small balances to pay.
JN to keep a check on subs and payments GP to speak to JN.
SG offered to support JN in monitoring subs, payments for regattas etc… agreed that Regatta fees from club members won’t actively be chased.
OK to chase and clarify whether we are still a CASC/unincorporated club- JN/GP to look at benefits/draw backs to charity status.
Members Update
Currently, 55 members, most members are active. GP to look at how many inactive members. OK Sent a list of the breakdown of ages to committee. Some DOB on forms incorrect- relatively equal split male/female. Majority of members are still older age groups/Vets and Super Vets. Committee to review opening to new members again in October/dependent on Cox numbers and bedding in of new members.
Regatta/Race/Training Update
NP– Lyme Regatta lots of positive feedback from both new and older club members. The results were not as good in terms of placements as Bridport, however the day was fantastic with involvement from a wide range of members, lots of categories entered and newer members had the opportunity to race. NP to share feedback with OK for next newsletter. We also had our oldest and youngest club members racing on the day. This season we have attended 3 Jurassic League Regattas, the mixed champs and Newquay ladies and men’s champs coming up…
Newquay Ladies Champs was a hugely successful and enjoyable day of racing- the Ladies did really well coming 2nd in their race and going through to Day 2- another Club first!!!
We still have quite a few races and events coming up…
24th September- Round the Island Race at Teignmouth- open to all club members-mixed crew as a 14k race will need to be those that have a lev of fitness. NP to put message up on WhatsApp and message board.
15th October – Due to a limited response we won’t be competing at Swanage, however those members that put their names down to race will be given first refusal on participating in the Louis Hankin ‘Row Past’ in Shelly Maid happening on the 15th of October.
16th October- Mount Batten- National County Champs
Erg Technique session- Tuesday 27th September- Cadet Yard…17 members have signed up…6 ergs… for those that can’t make it session will be videoed. NP to be the demo model – GP to video.
Craig will support a winter training plan in conjunction with NP- this will include measurable improvements, technique focus.
IOS 2023- this will be very competitive this year due to the number of members keen to participate and criteria will need to be shared early. Winter training will be essential. Decision to be made @Boxing Day or earlier to allow time for training- crews out January. 3 data collection points- October, November, December to inform selection as well as on the Water performance.
3RR- Training will also begin for this in January. If selected will be for one event or the other as training will be different. Endurance v sprints. NP to get thread out early.
Coaches’ session – October 9th- will be offered to all coxes – Club to fund. 3 sessions each, share feedback on areas covered.
Social Update JM
29th October – Orange and Black (pumpkins and witches) party. Police Club. Fancy dress optional – loosely based on Club colours…
Fancy dress comp??
JM – will approach businesses for raffle donations.
Shanty men will join and sing after the prizes. £150 and ‘a few beers’ budget about £200 raffle to off-set. Mixed response to food being provided. JM to put a list for members to sign up to bring something food to event.
Awards- some honorable mentions, some funny, Club nominated rowers rower… Committee to think of some… balance between making it a mixture… bring ideas to next meeting.
New home
On-going. Looking at whether 2 boats can be kept where currently keeping SM
Intro rows
Working well feeding these through the club sessions. Possible format- first ‘New Members’ session is during a specific intro morning- then filter through club rows. Currently closed to new members- committee to review Oct meeting.
Coxes update & training
Several new coxes in the ‘pipeline’. Mark, Kat, Nic very close to being signed off.
Pete has re-joined. Gina has joined (coxed for Sidmouth- will need to learn the waters in Exmouth)
Several members keen to train- Sara S, Sarah B, Gary.
End of Wednesday Evening Rowing
Last date for Wednesday evening 14th Sept due to sunset earlier. The club will just offer Saturday morning rows for the next month to allow coxes a break and time to sign off new coxes. Then review beginning Saturday and Sunday morning rowing.
Equipment update
Shelly Maid has now been collected. Work to be completed being discussed and planned by sub-committee GP, Pete, Dave and Gina- this might be delayed until November due to the number of upcoming events and extended season. Timetable to be agreed. Will need members to come to barn to help turn boat. Gina will support this. GP to discuss with Gina, Pete, Dave and get a date and info on the message board ASAP so people save the date.
Plan to re-visit this with a timescale of recruitment and training in January 2023 with a view to having a Junior crew ready to compete at Newquay 2023. Gary keen to be involved and has links to the Secondary School. VL agreed to be Welfare Officer. A sub-committee to be formed GP add to November agenda.
There have been a number of no-shows and people arriving g late to their session- gentle reminder to go out to all club members asking that if they are in the session after launching the boat to arrive at least 15 minutes before the session starts to help incoming boat and to avoid delays to the start of their session.
CPGA Admin- until told compulsory wait to find out what this involves.
Regatta Dates – GP to check with Jurassic League clubs when they plan to hold Regattas – also look at favourable tides… get Exmouth Regatta date in the diary. Will need a sub-committee to help with organising.
OK – agreed to be named as Safety Officer- Required by CPGA
Next meeting
Wed 5th October at 8pm. Police Club
15th June 2022
- Greg Price (GP),
- Nic Price (NP),
- Sue Golay (SG),
- Jen Mills (JM),
- Victoria Leyland (VL)
- via Whatsapp: Jeff Nicholls (JN) & Ollie Knights (OK)
GP checked in on members and asked how all are coping with workload linked to roles. No issues raised. Reminded all not to take once than able to, sharing responsibilities in the committee
Financial Update
Still waiting on swap over to the new committee. Once swap has taken place club members who are owed money by the club can be reimbursed- reminder to.keepreceipts. GP and JN will continue to chase bank
GP & JN visited the old toilet accommodation near to Orcombe Point- would not work as Gig Club base, would be lots of competition. But EDDC/LED aware we are actively looking, and this could give new leads to follow up. Aware we are on the hunt= positive
Relationship with the Sea Cadets at the yard positive this is working well.
Membership update
47 current members and we still have at least 5-10 going through the intro row process and keen to join.
Next weekend for intro rows is Saturday 16th July- we will also filter some through the Wednesday Eve and Saturday morning club rows
We will pause and hold a waiting list on enquiries until we have increased Cox capacity in the club.
Need to communicate to new members how to join training Pools (NP)
Coxes update and Training
GF suggests a ratio of 1 in 7 rowers need to be a Cox to maintain club and sessions. GP we need to get the current trainee coxes signed off and coxing- maximise the good weather/tides etc
Regatta update
NP- has put the Regatta’s up on the message board- lots of people want to attend. Currently Bridport, Langstone and Paignton- lots keen to go 14 men, 17 women
Thanks to JM for getting the intro rows off the ground this has led to lots of new members keen to get involved
Membership fees- cost of this those going to Newquay Champs/Vets keen to get value for money- will monitor what the benefits are to clubs.
For next year- Sea Cadets- possibly looking at this as a link to develop the Youth/Junior Crew. Committee to re-visit in Spring 2023
Things are noticeably getting worn out due to increased use but also lack of Bosun. Rodney had a refurb- but due to not being used really needs some additional work.
- First Aid Kits- need updating.
- Dan Bohin- Bristol oar repairs – collecting to refurb.
- End of July- need a bit of TLC – get a boat clean organised.
- 2 life jackets checked by RNLI – Ollie to get checked.
- SG to keep the 5 life jackets that are smaller & without canisters in – pick up Saturday
- OK to check there are 3 that are adult size.
SG will talk to Proserve and agree the kit that we want on their site and available to order.
Social update
9th July- summer social (JM) lots out on social media- good interest. Need 3 volunteers to bring BBQ’s, set up, gazebo? Plan- club row finishes- the boats are returned. Then head to between The Octagon & Rockfish (dog friendly area) all welcome, some games set up, people.bringtheir own food, cups, rugs etc…
Social booked for the 10th December… mince pies and mulled wine, DJ, fancy dress 3 hours. Stuart Line- VL booked and paid deposit.
£5 per head (per member) so current Exmouth Club Fees are £110 per member. Question- Extra £25 what exactly does this go towards? If rowers are entering Vets Champs they pay directly to CPGA. See how this works out.
Man overboard training
Training still needs to be arranged
GP- message Max Champion to see whether we can borrow the RNLI dummy. Look at CPGA offering more first aid training- e.g. cold water shock etc…
Date of next meeting: Sunday 17th July
04th May 2022
Police Club
- Greg Price
- Sue Golay
- Victoria Leyland
- Jen Mills
- Ollie Knights.
- Nic Price (remotely)
Jeff Nicholls
Sue Golay’s huge commitment and ongoing time and support to the Gig Club was discussed and recognised. Sue gave up considerable time when the club first returned after the pandemic and took out club rows every weekend.
GP & JN have now completed the Bank paperwork. This will take 6 weeks to be processed.
Nicky England will continue to pass financial information to JN. Once completed GP & JN will set up online banking. 2 signatures will still be needed- but should be easier to do all financial things remotely.
Approximately 34 members have renewed/re-joined. No concerns regarding membership numbers. Currently manageable- will grow club gradually. Rows haven’t been cancelled due to lack of rowers/coxes- only due to weather.
MEMBERSHIP SURVEY – Nic Price feedback
Wednesday mid-week row most popular day- chosen due to Cox availability and member feedback. These have been well attended.
Social do-lots of feedback on this- people keen for at least every 3 months and impromptu events. Agreed club will commit to 4 organised in advance dates.
Members keen to contribute skills- good range of skills within club- these need drawing upon. Reducing time between intro rows good- lots of interest some nearly ready to join. Agreed a new members and annual survey/feedback needed to keep aware of what the club members want.
Summer Social- Beach/BBQ social- agreed 9th July (Jen to begin to organise) bring & BBQ event
Autumn Social- 29th October- Police Club? Fancy dress/Halloween themed? End of season do. Band? Skittles?
Christmas Social- TBC potentially Stuart Line/boat/cruise/party?? (Victoria to contact look at dates/availability) mermaid theme?
Is there an agreed process that goes to rowers? Looking at updating this- consistency of information discussed.
When can new rowers join? Some can filter in through club rows after first session at coxes discretion. Always need at least 1 intro row- but less for those competent to join club sessions.
Review the process- balance manageable numbers/Cox availability.
Craig coxed training row with 2 experienced coxes in boat- went really well- to be signed off. Different levels of Coxes discussed- based on experience and knowledge of waters- to be revisited in more detail. Kat, Mark, Nic all in training.
Social Rows
These beginning to return. GD asked to book a Jubilee Row- agreed. Committee keen and happy for social rows to be increased.
Provisional date- 14th May 2022 (Greg to organise)
Audit everything in the yard and clean Shelly Maid.
Call all members to participate. Encourage both training and club rows to get involved. Life jacket safety check (RNLI) Pressure wash Shelly (JN) look at pars being sanded down and varnished leathers, pins etc…
Jen- raised that some of the grants we can apply for might fund new radio/life belt etc… to look into the costs of these.
3 Potential funds/pots of funding, Community, Amateur Sports Club- ideas of tangible things we could bid for funding for to Jen.
Working really well- about to change for Weymouth- first Regatta. Good take up.
Invite through for Weymouth- £20 per Gig Boat.
Towing still area of concern. Paid @ 45p mile- TBC more towers needed.
Monday and Thursday best days for additional training sessions.
IOS- 2023
Communications for this needs to go out soon. Now is a good time to be looking at the accommodation available. It will go if not booked. If people are keen to go they need get it booked up quickly.
Regatta Choices
A poll of regattas that the club might attend will go out- open until the 13th May so we can let CPGA know which we will attend.
£5 per rower per regatta? This was felt to be reasonable and make attending regatta’s accessible to all members.
Investigate Total Tees and Proserve (Sue Golay to investigate what they can offer) The Gig Club already has all of the graphics.
- Water awareness – Sue attended this and felt it was really useful- potentially further links with other water users moving forwards.
- Sue Golay – all members need to know how to use the radio. Discussion around encouraging club members to use the handbook- all info in there. Could we do a ‘spotlight’ on different aspects of rowing- e.g signpost to parts of the handbook.
- Letter to the family of Ian Kneal (Gigarse) recently died. Agreed a personal letter from the club appropriate. (Greg to write as Chair)
Next meeting Thursday 7th June (possibly Police Club) TBC
06th April 2022
Police Club, Rolle Rd, Exmouth
- Greg Price (GP)
- Nicola Price (NP) Remotely
- Ollie Knights (OK) Remotely
- Jeff Nicholls (JN)J
- Jen Mills (JM)
- Victoria Leyland (VL)
Sue Golay (SG)
- 13 members have re-joined the Gig Club so far. The membership list shared by Ollie on Google Drive automatically updates.
- The previous membership list is not on the drive but can be cross-referenced. So we can see who has re-joined
- Currently most members submit new form and fees at the same time. Each response is on Google Drive, live document
- The new committee will need access to the accounts to see who has paid. GP/JN to speak to Leanne.
- All committee have access to the list and email to monitor. All to gently encourage re-joining.
- Handover doc on Google Drive, committee need to familiarise themselves with this- see what information is available.
- It was agreed emails pre-2021 should all be archived. This can be moved using a button and direct to archive. OK to look at this- all committee to monitor. Other emails roughly agreed-
- Jen- New members
- Greg- CPGA/general rowing related
- Nic- racing
- Ollie- Website related
- Jeff- finance
- Vic/Sue- AOB
- GP to look at kit email
- GP to get yard keys cut for all committee members and coxes as currently not all have keys.
- JM has been sifting through all new contacts for intro row.
- There are approximately 40 + names, all interested new enquiries have been contacted.
- The 23rd April has been offered as an Intro Row date- approximately 14 booked on for the 23rd April and there is good cox support availability. This date will now be closed.
- 2 further dates of the 7th May and 21st May offered, Rob Santucci keen to get new rowers through on consecutive sessions and signed up.
- The plan will be to get as many interested rowers through the trial rows and signed up. The document is not user friendly and saved on the website itself. JM suggested a more efficient way to record would be needed. Unable to confirm who has paid up- this needs checking with the former committee. If the backlog of rowing enquiries cleared should be more manageable moving forward.
- The booking system will change to a 30 day open booking to ensure we have enough club rowers to support the intro rows.
- OK changed the system- this will be monitored and reviewed.
- Shortage of coxes is an immediate priority. A session focusing on coxes, Saturday 25th March happened, but only one trainee cox available.
- MS All committee to raise and encourage interested members to consider coxing. Pool of coxes vital to developing of available coxes. Mark Stephens is nearly ready to be signed off, needs a little more time with experienced coxes in the boat and different weather conditions. Leanne and Kat still need some additional time. GP has offered to put time into trying to get all 3 ready to be signed off, and ready to cox club row.
- There are 21 members currently signed up.
- NP is meeting with 5 of the coxes on Friday 8th April to discuss, they will look at the fairest and most consistent way to allocate to training pools.
- Looking at consistency of language used, stroke rate, so that this feeds into intro/social/training sessions. Keen to develop this aspect of the club but build in shared language.
- The bookings for intro rows now closed, booking for members to open to encourage good attendance and support, plan for all intro rowers to come to the beach for 9am and combine on the water and off the water intro to rowing. The getting to know the existing club members.
- JM will shmooze on the beach, chat to potential new rowers. Potentially get 2 or maybe all 3 boats out on the water.
- NP suggested holding training pool rows before the intro session so that boats already on the water and to encourage lots of the existing members to participate. Barbarian style/names in a hat races after the intro row, may include some newbies… NP will bring hats to pull names.some structure… and flexibility.
- Evening social – JM to continue to promote, potentially invite newbies- Mark happy for this to happen, and partners. JM looking at leaving gifts, will get these and reimburse from the club funds.
- GP thanked all of those involved in moving the boats around on the 25th to put the wooden boats back on trailers. Avocet is now back on the beach and the wooden boats in the yard.
- Currently Avocet does not have the cover on, everything has been removed, including cushions, bung, rudder and is safely stored at the years. This was felt to be better than keeping the cover on her which was getting damaged and will be monitored to make sure people do not damage her.
- wooden boats will hopefully get more use now the regatta season has started and have both been well used are watertight. We need to do an equipment audit, pins, letters.
- GP will get some new plastic boxes for pins. Megan had offered for parents to look at boats (Mum) and the trailers (Dad) Committee agreed we need to find out what the parents are called. All boats need some TLC, discussed turning the boats over to throughly clean underneath, remove floors to wash. This is what they do at Sidmouth.
- OK currently finalising the newsletter, keen to get this out ASAP and keep the momentum going.
- Responses coming from the membership survey and members beginning to re-join.
- To include input from all of the committee and a ‘Good Luck’ to the Ladies crew competing at the Masters on Saturday 9th in Lyme Regis.
- OK to continue to keep the Facebook page and social media activity,
- First social on the 23rd April , responses from the survey so far suggest that quarterly socials would be preferred by most members with informal opportunities. The ‘ethos’ social side of the club needs to be developed again.
- JN and GP to be signatories. This needs handing over as a matter of urgency from the old committee. Nicky’s signature was still needed.
NEXT MEETING 4th May. Venue: The Police Club.
- Evening rows, due to cox availability, will begin on Wednesday evenings. Low uptake for Sunday’s so ended until the Winter. OK to promote via social media on the water for 6pm
- Yard keys – GP to get these cut.
- JM to look at Coop funding/sponsorship. Previous work on Google Drive, see who could be approached eg Avocet Wealth Management.
- Raffle for the 23rd to raise some club funds… all could be encouraged to donate prizes. JM
- Next Regatta is Weymouth end of May
16th March 2022
Police Club, Rolle Rd, Exmouth
- Greg Price (GP)
- Nicola Price (NP)
- Ollie Knights (OK) Remotely
- Jeff Nicholls (JN)
- Jen Mills (JM)
- Victoria Leyland (VL)
- Sue Golay (SG)
- It was agreed that roles would be filled by committee members as follows:
- Greg: Chair
- Sue: Vice Chair
- Ollie: Web and H&S
- Jeff: Treasurer
- Vic: Secretary
- Nic: Club Captain
- Jen: Social and Fundraising
- It was also agreed that a club Bo’sun is required. GP to ask ‘Megan’s mum’ to visit again.
- The possibility of a coaching team was discussed, for optional on land (monthly?) fitness challenges as well as on water training and club cohesion.
- The idea of a selection body independent of the committee was also favoured for competitive crew selection. Initial suggestions were: George, Karen, Steve, Rob. The Club Captain (NP) would oversee both of these sub-committees and liaise between them and the committee.
- The hard work of the outgoing committee was acknowledged. New members will liaise with Jay Leanne or Nicky as required for handover info. Handover doc on Google Drive.
- It was agreed that the new committee would arrange an event where formal thanks could be expressed; JM to liaise with Mark S, around an event at the Police Club, and arrange appropriate gifts. 23rd April was suggested.
- Membership fees to go up to £110 this year and become due at the end of March. The committee agreed that a period of grace was appropriate, and that the option to pay in instalments should remain. £5 individual payment due to CPGA in addition.
- GP to communicate with wider membership re: fees, OK to facilitate payment via website.
- Shortage of coxes is an immediate priority. A session focusing on coxes, Saturday 25th March suggested, GP to check tides, could also be used as an opportunity to swap positions of boats/trailers as required.
- OK suggested a cox training ‘pathway’ for clarity of training stages and process.
- GP and OK to liaise for a refresh on info from handbook.
- NP suggested man overboard drill, kit audit required. OK will check lifejackets.
- Long term Priority. JN to begin investigating some new options.
- Can Pete Stobart attend next weekend for further discussion around equipment? Megan’s dad is to be asked to inspect trailers.
- The club requires a new kit supplier. An email has come in from a supplier keen to work with us, GP will pick this up and investigate. Total Tee and Proserve also suggested.
- GP to ask Tanya if she’d be willing to format/design a bi-monthly newsletter.
- A survey of club membership is to be drafted by NP and JM to establish i) relevant skill sets of members and ii) what do people want from the club, to be submitted to OK and displayed as a standalone item on the website, and linked to the message board, by the end of March. (Operational questions could form part of membership form tbc).
- Official club FB page needs input from wider team. OK also requested social media content be sent to him for IG.
See ‘Outgoing Committee’
- It was decided that to arrange a regatta on 9th July is too short notice. A day of intra club racing followed by a social was suggested instead, and could perhaps become a regular format, extending invites to other clubs eg Sidmouth, Combwich.
- SG suggested a coxes meeting to discuss details of evening rows
- GP to get Duty Committee back up and running
- SG requested that the club agree guidelines detailing parameters for acceptable rowing conditions, eg max tide, wind speed etc. Proposed to be used at Coxes’ discretion to allow for some flexibility.
NEXT MEETING 6th April SG to check availability